Monday, June 1, 2009

DUN Penanti - Kenyataan Terbodoh Pemimpin UMNO !

Ketua UMNO Bahagian Permatang Pauh, Datuk Abd.Jalil Abd.Majid menyatakan peratusan rendah yang keluar mengundi hari ini membuktikan keputusan yang diambil oleh pimpinan dan ahli UMNO di sini untuk tidak bertanding adalah tepat.

Tegasnya lagi jumlah 46% yang keluar mengundi pada kali ini adalah separuh daripada jumlah yang keluar pada PRU12 lalu. Ini menunjukkan rakyat sudah meluat dengan tektik lapuk PKR yang mahu menyembunyikan masalah dalamannya.

Tak tahu macamana nak habaq lagi betapa bahalolnya Ketua UMNO Bahagian ni. Macamana peratusan nak tinggi kalau dah kau arahkan 5,000 ahli UMNO jangan keluar mengundi. Dah kau sendiri yang boikot, lepas tu boleh pulak cakap peratusan rendah sebagai indikator rakyat mula bosan dengan kerenah PKR. Manakala pengundi atas pagar pula kau orang halang mereka dari keluar mengundi dengan pelbagai cara ugutan.

Sudahlah UMNO... Kami dah masak benar dengan segala tektik keji dan busuk kamu selama ini. Tak payahlah nak berdolak-dalih dengan kenyataan paling bodoh ini. Lebih baik mengaku sajalah yang UMNO memang takut kalah.

Berikut adalah laporan berita oleh themalaysianinsider ;

Umno says low voters turnout shows it was right not to contest

PENANTI, May 31 — The Penanti Umno division chief today said the low voter turnout had proven the party was right in its decision not to contest today’s by-election dubbed by locals and party leaders alike as the most boring affair in the country’s modern electoral history.

Datuk Abdul Jalil Abdul Majid in an immediate reaction said the turnout, which stood at 46 per cent, half of what the percentage was in the March 8 polls, showed the people are tired with PKR’s antics of using by-elections as a tactic to conceal its internal problems.

“Most of them who did not turn out are Umno supporters. The voters have begun to realise the antics of this party,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

“We made the right decision not to contest,” he said further.

Umno backed off from contesting claiming that it does not want to play into the games of the opposition which it accuses of using by-elections as a way to hide its problems from its supporters and the public.

Embattled former Penanti state assemblyman and Penang deputy chief minister Mohamad Fairus Khairuddin had resigned following allegations of graft and paved the way for today’s by-election, the sixth in just 14 months after the 12th general elections.

PKR candidate, Mansor Othman, who faced three independent candidates in BN’s absence, won the state seat, garnering 6,052 from a total of 7,100 votes cast today.

Despite the win, the party had failed to realise its 7000 votes target and Abdul Jalil claimed this is a bad sign for PKR.

“The party will experience a downward trend in support,” he said.

Asked if he thought PKR and other component parties in the Pakatan Rakyat coalition would continue to use by-elections as a strategy to achieve its goals, Abdul Jalil said yes.

“I’m sure there will be more. As long as they need to cover their problems, expect to see more by-elections in the future,” he said.


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