Thursday, September 30, 2010

Melayu hapraq pasal menentang Allah dan Rasul

Tak habis-habis bercakap pasal Melayu, Melayu, Melayu... Apa ada pada Melayu hari ini? Cuba tanya UMNO dan PERKASA, kenapa sibuk sangat dengan politik perkauman ini? Sudah-sudahlah dengan kerja memperbodohkan bangsa Melayu yang sekian lama telah diperbodohkan semahunya oleh UMNO sendiri. Selama ni pun UMNO yang mengetuai kerajaan tapi nasib Melayu dok macam tu juga. Tak terbela malah semakin buruk keadaannya. Bukan setakat nasib tak terbela malah hak-hak mereka sendiri dirampas oleh pimpinan UMNO yang kononnya mendakwa sebagai pembela Melayu.

Bagi penulis, apa yang melanda umat Melayu-Islam hari ini merupakan kesinambungan daripada kebodohan mereka sendiri. Sudah berpuluh tahun mereka duduk di bawah pemerintahan UMNO-BN yang korup, namun masih juga tidak sedar dan terus memberikan kepercayaan kepada golongan pemimpin jahat dan tidak beriman dalam setiap pilihanraya umum.

Inilah akibatnya bila majoriti Melayu-Islam masih berdegil dan enggan kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah. Justeru terimalah padahnya. Sudah Allah jelaskan dalam Al-Qur'an bila mana penduduk di sesebuah negara itu semakin hari semakin derhaka pada-Nya, maka Dia akan melantik pemimpin yang jahat dan zalim menjadi pemerintah sebagai peringatan kepada mereka. Mudah-mudahan mereka kembali kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya.

Kita boleh lihat sendiri apa yang terjadi pada bangsa Melayu-Islam hari ini. Amat memalukan. Antaranya;

- 250,000 anak Melayu-Bumiputera telah murtad.

- gejala zina yang berleluasa di kalangan remaja sekolah dan universiti

- gejala buang anak

- peningkatan kadar jenayah di kalangan remaja hingga ke peringkat bunuh

- peningkatan penagihan dadah

- sumbang mahram

- kebejatan gejala sosial yang sangat kronik

..... dan pelbagai macam penyakit masyarakat yang sedang melanda negara hari ini.

Manakala di peringkat negara, rasuah dan penyelewengan sudah menjadi perkara biasa. Jenayah bunuh sudah sampai ke tahap kritikal. Golongan pemerintah bebas melakukan apa jua bentuk jenayah kolar putih tanpa halangan. Bebas merompak harta rakyat semahunya tanpa merasa bersalah. Begitulah juga dengan ahli keluarga dan kroni mereka. Mereka terus hidup dalam limpahan kemewahan yang melampau manakala rakyat bawahan terus ditindas dan diperbodoh dengan propaganda murahan sentimen perkauman setiap kali menjelang piihanraya.

Hari ini sudah mula kendengaran iklan 'memperbodohkan Melayu' dengan kata-kata "Melayu akan hilang kuasa jika Pakatan Rakyat memerintah".

Bukan Melayu yang hilang kuasa tapi puak-puak celaka UMNO tu yang takut hilang kuasa disebabkan segala dosa rasuah dan penyelewengan mereka selama ini. Mereka tahu jika Pakatan Rakyat berjaya mengambil-alih kerajaan pusat, maka dengan sendirinya segala pekong busuk mereka akan terdedah dan seluruh kekayaan mereka hasil merompak harta rakyat akan dirampas semula. Bukan setakat itu saja malah mereka akan di bawa ke muka pengadilan untuk dibicarakan atas segala jenayah yang dilakukan.

Wahai umat Melayu-Islam,

Kita semua akan mati. Dan kematian itu bukan penghujung hidup malah ianya merupakan satu proses pemindahan alam sebelum dibangkitkan semula ke alam Akhirat yang kekal abadi. Di sana kita semua akan melalui proses saringan secara adil di Mahkamah Allah. Perkara pertama yang akan disemak oleh Allah ialah 'Aqidah kita semua. Jika berjaya melepasi saringan 'Aqidah, barulah semakan sembahyang dibuat dan seterusnya.

Persoalannya sekarang mengapa kita yang mengaku Islam ini terus berdegil dan percaya dengan sistem sekular Kristian yang memisahkan agama dengan politik? Sedarkah kita dengan percaya atau menyokong sistem ini akan menyebabkan kita terkeluar daripada Islam. Rosak 'Aqidah walau masih bersolat.

Tidak cukup lagikah dengan segala bukti kerosakan yang melanda masyarakat Melayu-Islam hari ini? Adakah mahu ditunggu sehingga Allah menurunkan bala' bencana yang memusnahkan sebagaimana yang dialami oleh kaum 'Ad dan Tsamud, lepas tu baru nak insaf?

Disebabkan kedegilan kita terus memilih pemimpin tidak beriman, maka terimalah padahnya hari ini. Kehidupan bukan makin senang malah terus dihimpit dengan pelbagai jenis kesusahan dari masa ke semasa.

Sekali lagi penulis ingin mengingatkan diri sendiri dan para pembaca tentang amaran Allah terhadap golongan manusia yang menyokong pemerintah jahat. Dalam Surah Al-Ahzab (33) : ayat 66 - 68 yang bermaksud ;

Pada masa muka mereka dibalik-balikkan dalam Neraka, mereka berkata (dengan sesalnya): Alangkah baiknya kalau kami dahulu (semasa di dunia) taat kepada Allah serta taat kepada Rasul Allah. Dan mereka berkata lagi: Wahai Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya kami telah mematuhi kehendak ketua-ketua dan orang-orang besar kami, lalu mereka menyesatkan kami dari jalan yang benar. Wahai Tuhan kami, berilah mereka azab sengsara dua kali ganda dan laknatkanlah mereka dengan laknat yang sebesar-besarnya!

Jelas sekali ayat 66 - 68 ini adalah ayat politik pemerintahan. Macamana pemimpin UMNO begitu berani sekali menafikan isi kandungan Al-Qur'an dengan mendakwa politik tiada dalam Islam. Terbukti puak-puak pimpinan UMNO ni sesat. Dan UMNO itu sendiri sejak awal penubuhannya memang berfahaman sesat sekular Kristian. Perkara ini disahkan sendiri oleh Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Yang paling malang sekali ialah Melayu-Islam yang dok ikut UMNO secara membuta tuli. Orang dok habaq dan nasihat supaya tinggalkan UMNO toghut tapi degil. Tak pasal-pasal ikut pemimpin masuk Neraka. Dahlah kat dunia tak kaya, hidup susah. Lepas tu kat Akhirat pun rugi.

Ingatlah... Baginda Rasulullah S.A.W. sendiri tak akan mengakui kita sebagai umatnya jika bersama dengan golongan yang memperjuangkan kebangsaan (Assobiyah).

Kembalilah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya sebelum terlambat.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SAPP : Self-Confident To Ensure Victory

Looking back at history, he said all the past governments namely Usno, Berjaya and PBS lost the elections because of disunity in those parties and the fact that people wanted a change ‘and in this 13th General Election I believe history will repeat itself once again’.

SABAH Progressive Party (SAPP) President Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee reminded members to be prepared to face election campaign tactics of UMNO and Barisan Nasional (BN).

Speaking at the joint annual general meeting for branches in SAPP Liawan, Bingkor, Sook and Tambunan CLCs at the Interior Tourism Centre Restaurant in Keningau on Saturday, he said that after tonight (Saturday) the leadership is able to gauge SAPP's standing in the interior and that based on the huge turnouts from the branches of the four CLCs.

Expressing confidence that SAPP might be able to field candidates in Keningau, he urged party members to have self-confidence in order to ensure SAPP take its place as the ‘government-in-waiting’.

He also reiterated that they must prepare themselves to face the campaign tactics of Umno and BN such as the ‘bomb’ strategy.

"Umno has been using money from the beginning because that is their strategy so don't say we know about it. Because we know about it we should plan our defense," he said.

Yong said that also in conjunction with the party congress from Nov 5 to 7, SAPP would be flying its flags beginning Nov 1 until the congress ends along roads throughout Sabah ‘to tell the people that we are the government-in-waiting’.

Meanwhile, Md Noor, the former State Finance Minister who spoke in all the venues advised SAPP leaders to remain united and enhance the cordial relationship between them to ensure cohesiveness in order to achieve their target in the coming election.

Looking back at history, he said all the past governments namely Usno, Berjaya and PBS lost the elections because of disunity in those parties and the fact that people wanted a change ‘and in this 13th General Election I believe history will repeat itself once again’.

It was also heartening for him to see more youths and those from all ethnic groups attending SAPP's function and the joint AGMs in Tenom, Nabawan and Keningau.

"SAPP united multi-racial members will see to the party's victory in the coming election," he said.

Md Noor also challenged Parti Bersatu Sabah President, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO) President Tan Sri Bernard Dompok and Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) Tan Sri Joseph Kurup to resign from the BN and fight together with SAPP ‘if they really care and love Sabah’.

"Pairin, Dompok and Kurup, they are strong leaders with high education but even them are being fooled," he said, adding that as for him he had no intention of getting any position when joining SAPP.

"I only want to fight for what is right and help correct all the wrong doings in Sabah. We may have got democracy but we lost our autonomy," he said.

Meanwhile, Sook CLC chief, Irene Chan who was also the Keningau event organising chairperson, Bingkor/Liawan CLC chief, Richard Lee Puan Hiam and Tambunan CLC chief, Johari Yong unanimously called for the president post not to be contested in the November party congress.

Chan also hoped that the new SAPP leadership line-up after the party congress would see some re-structuring especially in better reflecting SAPP's multi-racialism.

After finishing their rounds in the interior zone, Yong and SAPP leaders went to the SAPP CLCs in South West Coast on Sunday.

Melalap & Kemabong Dry Run

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) entry into areas that used to be ‘restricted zone’ when it was still in the Barisan Nasional has received strong support from the people.

Leading SAPP supreme council members in a whirlwind election dry run in the interior on Saturday, President Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee said the opening of the inaugural joint annual general meeting for branches in the Nabawan CLC was historical.

He said areas like Nabawan and those in the interior were off limits for SAPP, as they were told not to venture into the constituency by the BN.

"But now we don't have any more restrictions ... we can go anywhere," he said while commending the host, Maidin Othman for not only allowing the event to be held at his house but also to build SAPP Nabawan operation centre on the vacant land in near his house compound.

Before Kampung 4 Blok A in Nabawan, Yong and SAPP supreme council members were in Tenom for the Melalap and Kemabong CLCs' branches joint AGM.

Yong said there is also a possibility that SAPP may field a candidate in Nabawan depending on whether the grassroots particular party members can guarantee victory for the party.

"We ‘Fight to Win'. This means that we field our candidates in constituencies we know we will win. We don't want to place candidates just for the sake of contesting or just ‘main cincai'," he said.

In Nabawan, Yong also received more than 1,000 membership applications including from former Nabawan Umno Wanita Chief, Raineh Atak @ Haji Othman who is also the sister of Maidin.

Maidin also led Yong to the ground-breaking ceremony for the party's operation room that was held in accordance to the Murut customs where a white cockerel was slaughtered and Yong completed the ceremony by sprinkling the blood on the ground so that the spirit of the white cockerel would guard the land and building.

Kick Off Election Dry Run

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) kicked off its election dry run during the weekend aimed at gauging the party's election machinery preparedness that will assist the leadership to identify the 40 state seats that SAPP will be contesting in the 13th General Election.

Led by President Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee, almost all of the SAPP's top leaders and supreme council members, including the party's veteran politician member, Datuk Md Noor Mansoor took part in the dry run spanning the interior and southern West Coast within two days.

The marathon day for Yong and SAPP leaders began at about 11am in Tenom with the opening of SAPP Melalap and Kemabong Constituency Liaison Committees (CLCs) branches joint-annual general meeting at Perkasa Hotel.

The spirit of delegates from the two CLCs remained high although the event venue had to be moved when the organiser's booking for the district's sport complex multi-purpose hall was cancelled few days before the event .

Yong in his opening speech told the delegates that besides fulfilling the party's constitution to hold AGMs, the event was being held as a training process for old and new members so that they are kept abreast with current political situation as well as for election preparation.

He said the dry run would be for 10 days which is about the same duration from Nomination Day to Polling Day in the real General Election.

Although the present government's term will only expire in 2013, which is two and a-half years from now he believed there is a big possibility for election to be called much earlier than that.

"If they (BN) want it (General Election) to be held simultaneously with Sarawak (election) then it must be before July next year," he said, adding that a simultaneous election would give the BN advantage because the oppositions would not be able to concentrate in their campaigning in Sarawak.

Yong said that even if the General Election is called after Sarawak election, the General Election in Semenanjung and Sabah will not be later than 2012 because in past elections it was always called on the fourth year of ruling government's term.

He said it was also natural for the BN, especially the Prime Minister who is also the head of Umno to choose the date that benefit Umno.

"For SAPP we have to assess latest developments and political climate like what is happening in Umno ... if the share prices soared and there is a stark reduction of infighting in Umno and BN while a lot of fighting going on in the opposition camp then that is when election will be called," he said.

Since SAPP is anticipating election to be called before July next year, the party's leadership felt that it was important for members at the grassroots level to be fully prepared, he said.

The former Chief Minister said based on his experience, a political party which suddenly becomes busy one day after Parliament is dissolved is most likely to be unprepared.

"To my experience they are busy because they are not prepared since too much time were wasted in office or hotel that they have no time to turun padang and visit house-to-house," he said.

"If today dissolved all SAPP branches will know what to do particularly in facing the BN election campaign tactics," he said.

Towards this end, Yong said SAPP had put in place policies and inculcated 7 values – unity, commitment, service, credibility, discipline, perseverance and progressive – in its members mind to counter the campaign tactics of their opponent, including money politics.

"We know Umno will come to the house of voters to "bomb" them with money one or two days before polling ... but I am sure the people of Sabah cannot be easily bought over.

"SAPP's answer to this tactic is, if they come to give you RM50 or RM100 (before polling day) just take it because it is the people's money anyway.

"But, when it is time to cast the ballot ... vote for SAPP!" he said.

Yong said SAPP hold steadfast to the policy of zero-money politics although he admitted that it would not be an easy task to topple the BN and its henchmen.

But, he reminded the delegates about the giant-killer feat of Datuk Kadoh Agundong who despite of not having the necessary resources but he managed to defeat not an ordinary guy but the then Berjaya government Chief Minister Datuk Harris Salleh right in Tenom.

In the past two years since SAPP left the ruling government, he disclosed that they had been studying the top 40 state constituencies for SAPP and in order for the selection to be made members in the CLCs and its branches must be prepared.

He urged members to be sincere in fighting for the party's struggle, especially when it is election time.

He also hoped there would be no more "sudden" situations such as the "vehicle's suspension spring damaged, the tyre wheel bearing missing or not enough reload (for mobile phone)" during the general election campaign.

"If the members are ready here then perhaps Kemabong or Melalap will be included in the top 40 seats for SAPP," he said.

After the official opening ceremony, SAPP members from Kemabong and Melalap also took turned to put in money into the party's donation box to help the party in its endeavour to form the next State Government.

On hand in Tenom were Kemabong/Melalap CLCs chief, Jimmy Jawatah and SAPP Interior Zone Chief, Datuk Frankie Chong.

- sabahkini

The tussles that tarnish PKR

The recent ongoing tussles in PKR have all but tarnished the party's reputation. Firstly, the 12 Sabah leaders who are aligned to Jeffrey Kitingan were all hauled up by the disciplinary board and some punished for their attempt a year ago to form a new party, although there was a peace deal between them and the other PKR leaders.

Then right after “the just decision” was made by the disciplinary committee, an alleged smear campaign against Zaid Ibrahim surfaced, with allegations hurled at him that he is “traitor” in a bid to tarnish his reputation and credibility in the eyes of PKR members.

Around the same time a sudden press conference was called, and attended by various strong PKR leaders in the PKR headquarters. This was done to demonstrate their endorsement and support for Azmin Ali, even though some leaders who attended the meeting claimed that they were not aware of the purpose of the conference.

This occurred without Azmin himself indicating or declaring first that he is contesting for the vice- deputy presidency. Were all these events intentional? Or were they all done voluntarily by other quarters of the party without Azmin or Zaid directing them?

If one were to notice the “coincidental” events that came up one after another, one will find it hard to believe that either of the above’s camp, especially Azmin, has no hands in it.

Although we cannot say for sure that Azmin is involved, we also cannot deny that these events tip the sentiments of the voters in his favour. In fact, one can even suspect that his silence on his candidacy was intentional, so that the average members cannot blame him for the emergence of allegations and accusations as he did not (yet) declare his intention to contest.

Nonetheless, with the recent misinterpretation over Zaid's comments on party deputy president Syed Husin Ali, Azmin, instead of personally contacting Zaid to clarify what he said, took the opportunity to make a bold (but foolish) statement to the world, lambasting Zaid for being arrogant for calling Syed Hussin “nyanyuk”.

This action has surely confirmed Zaid’s allegation that there is an ongoing smear campaign against him.

And now, without a doubt we can state with a high degree of probability that it was Azmin who wants to discredit Zaid as much as he can, and it was his camp as well who was behind the smear campaigns.

Line of respect

I personally admire both Azmin and Zaid as politicians. Azmin for his unwavering loyalty and persistence even when the tide did not favour PKR, and Zaid for his strong principles and good values that he showed when he was the law minister.

However, a line of respect must be drawn when either one decides to go on a smear campaign to tarnish the reputation of another, or used underhand tactics to eliminate his competitor, or even attempt to encourage other leaders to declare support for him so as to woo the voters to his side.

Simply put, a line must be drawn when the game of perception is not played fairly or with dignity and honesty.

Politics, as much as we want it to be based simply on ideology and strong beliefs, is a game of perception. How you influence the perception of the voters about you before any election will ultimately decide your fate.

The candidates (including Zaid himself who tried to gain some support by comparing himself to the late Ghafar Baba) are both trying to influence the perception of the members. And it is fine to do so.

It is fine to convince the voters to vote for you by telling them of your good points. In fact, it is fine to highlight the weaknesses of the opponent as a politician. However, it is definitely not justified to throw allegations or embark on a campaign to simply tarnish the personal reputation of others without any basis or proven facts.

PKR preaches democracy and fairness. It was the leaders first who decided to have a direct election system for members to choose their leaders, for which many Malaysians commended. However, what is the use of having an election if it is not fair in the first place?

Top PKR leaders carry the responsibility of preserving and uplifting the image of the party. Leaders such as Azmin have unfortunately failed to do that.

The entire episode so far has all but shattered the perception that PKR preaches justice and fairness.

To many average Malaysians, the tussles clearly showed that PKR endorses old-style politics where personal attacks and underhand tactics are legitimate tools to win an election. And that party unity and respect between member leaders are mere "slogans" to be sung whenever they need it.

Go for a debate

Perhaps Zaid and Azmin should emulate the PKR Youth, which decided to engage in a healthy presidential style debate among the candidates.

If PKR Youth can show such political maturity and understanding, I cannot see why leaders vying for the No 2 spot cannot do so.

The contest should not be about personality but about issues and ideas. Therefore a public debate will certainly empower their members to decide on the best candidate to lead them as deputy president for the next general election.

Hence, instead of publishing statements to the media undermining one or another, which in turn will give the Barisan Nasional-controlled media the much-needed ammunition to tarnish PKR’s reputation, Zaid and Azmin should face each other off in a healthy public and publicised debate.

This in turn will also be seen as a massive step up and a step ahead of other political parties in terms of political maturity. Credible leaders must be seen to walk the talk. There is no use in preaching about democracy and fairness if the fair and simple rule of not tarnishing the personal reputation of others during election is not adhered to.

By Low Teck Kuan

- FreeMalaysiaToday

Scandal of Sarawak’s Budget Black Hole

Taib Mahmud, the Chief Minister of Sarawak, has failed to account for a staggering RM 4.8 billion of government expenditure over the past 3 years alone, according to explosive figures released by the opposition DAP party. This represents more than half the Development Budget, which in turn represents nearly three quarters of the total expenditure for the State!

Put another way, in 2009 RM 1.825 billion of the State’s total expenditure was allocated to persons unknown, compared to the government’s estimated revenue for that year of RM 3.726 billion. That is about half of all your cash!

(see - esp page 6/7)

The secret projects soaking up Sarawak’s cash

DAP - Winners at Sibu, have tough questions for Taib (right photo)

The DAP, who recently triumphed over BN at the Sibu by-election, have produced a closely argued Alternative Budget for 2010, in which they demand a return to proper accounting methods, so that taxpayers can know exactly how their money has been spent. This is their right and it is also Malaysian law, in line with the rest of the civilised world.

The DAP figures show that Taib has not only reserved 80% of the State’s entire Development Budget to the three Ministries controlled directly by himself, but that shockingly most of that money has been spent on secret projects about which he has provided zero information.

Under the circumstances the people of Sarawak are entitled to assume that the money has been stolen. As the DAP points out:

“This [state of affairs] defies the basic principle of political accountability in a democratic system and is susceptible to great abuses”.

So let us all guess what those abuses might be and where the money might have gone. Some on more Rolls Royces for the Chief Minister? Some on more foreign properties for his family? Some on bailing out projects by Taib-owned companies?

The Chief Minister appears to think he can get away with not telling people where he has decided to spend this money, but we can be comfortably certain that none of these secret projects involve benefitting any of the impoverished people whose lands he has taken for palm plantations now owned by his family and friends.
The “Government Contribution Towards Approved Agencies Trust Fund”

So what is going on and how has all this money disappeared?

The DAP budget documents provides a detailed analysis. Firstly, it outlines the extraordinary level of personal control that Taib has assumed over Sarawak’s expenditure. The septuagenarian personally manages the three main spending departments in the State. This means that almost every spending decision has to go through him and that no other Minister can do anything without getting his permission.

In particular his three ministries (the Finance Ministry, Planning and Resources Ministry and Chief Ministry) together control 80% of the Development Budget, which alone accounts for around three quarters of all money spent, although it is argued many of the projects would more sensibly belong under different departments.

Secondly, the document explains the secretive system that the Chief Minister has developed for allocating more half this huge sum of money. Over the past several years he has employed a highly mysterious expenditure category termed the ‘Government Contribution towards Approved Agencies Trust Fund’ into which this money is channelled. There is no specification as to who these ‘Approved Agencies’ are or which Trust Fund is being referred to and the Government has consistently refused requests for information on the subject! It could be going to his aunty, or his sister, or cousins, or kids, or secret mistress…… how is anyone supposed to know and what right has he to keep it secret?

Thus, in 2009 RM 1.825 billion (59.3% of the total RM 2.430 billion) is unaccounted for in the Development Budget, according to the DAP calculations. In 2008 it was RM1.719 billion (60% of the total RM2.865 billion) and in 2007 it was RM1.257 billionn (54.8% of the total RM2.294 billion). The DAP raise the valid question as to what is the point of carefully auditing 40% of the budget if the remaining 60% is kept secret?
The truth must be told

We can only assume that the ‘Approved Agencies’ must be outfits the Chief Minister would rather we did not know about. Certainly, if these ‘Approved Agencies’ were doing any good to the people he is supposed to serve, then he would be broadcasting the fact next to a picture of himself in every page of the Borneo Post!

However, he is not and therefore we can safely conclude that they are just doing good for the Taib family and their business cronies, like so many of his other projects.

- Sarawak Report

SARAWAK - So Who Owns CMS?

Sarawak’s Chief Minister has issued not one word about our expose revealing him to be the majority owner of Sakti International, the Taib’s multi-million dollar property company in the US. Clearly he does not want to test our documented evidence in court. So let us reach some logical conclusions about the Taib family´s other sources of wealth.

MR300 million. Taib awarded the contract to his own company (right photo)

In his joint capacities as Chief Minister and Finance Minister, Taib ’privatised’ most of the assets that now form CMS Sarawak from state-owned companies. CMS is supposed to be a public company with shares quoted on the open market, yet staggeringly more than 85% of these shares are owned by close members of Taib’s own family. The question therefore is how many of these are actually held in trust for the Chief Minister in the same way that he attempts to hide his true ownership of Sakti International?
The logical assumption is that Chief Minister directly owns at least 50% of CMS Sarawak

The Chief Minister has made only the barest attempts to conceal his real control and ownership of Sarawak’s largest company, CMS. It is Sarawak’s biggest open secret. For years the largest single shareholder in the company was a woman of no independent means – his own wife Laila! After her death her shares finally passed to the Chief Minister’s sons, who already owned huge numbers of shares.

Thanks to our recent expose on Sakti International, we now know how the Chief Minister organises his business affairs. Our documentary evidence shows how he put up his children and brothers as the official shareholders of Sakti International, while privately getting them to sign a concealed agreement ensuring half the shares were held in trust for him.

Would the Chief Minister like, therefore, to deny that he owns at least 50% of the shares of CMS Sarawak, the backbone of the Taibs´vast family wealth? At the very least it is now incumbent on him to prove that he does not. It is time for an open and independent audit of Sarawak’s largest company, which for years has been the lucky recipient of all the state´s top contracts thanks to the decisions of the Chief Minister and his Finance and Planning Ministers (all three of them himself).
The Chief Minister is hiring himself

Sarawak Report would therefore like to point out to readers that every time the Chief Minister/Finance Minister/Planning Minister issues a ‘negotiated contract’ in favour of CMS Sarawak, he is in fact taking the opportunity to hire himself. Thus he hires himself annually to carry out most of the road-building and other projects granted by the Public Works Department (at a yearly budget of around half a billion ringgit). Likewise he hired himself to build the new Parliament Building (cost RM 300 million) and he also hired himself to work on the Borneo Convention Centre Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (contract awarded in 2006 worth RM 195 million) and Sarawak Energy Berhad headquarters (RM 232 million). Not to forget that he also of course hired himself to build the Bakun Dam (a project that was financed by MYR 5.75 billion raided from the state pension fund). As the new dam-building programme is laid out across Sarawak, flooding vast areas and displacing hundreds of thousands of people, we can be sure that the lion´s share of the construction contracts will be handed out to CMS Sarawak – because Abdul Taib Mahmud always hires himself!

Readers of Sarawak report are welcome to add to the list of government contracts that have been issued by the Chief Minister to himself as the chief shareholder of CMS Sarawak. We would not wish to over-burden the reader in the main body of the article! What is clear is that the Taib family shares in the company are worth over half a billion ringgit, based on its current share value. The steady flow of government contracts are designed to ensure the company retains that value.

What is plain is that each and every taxpayer in Sarawak and every public pensioner too is bearing a heavy, personal price for the fabulous wealth of the Taibs and their Godfather boss, the ‘Chief CEO’ of Sarawak. Their poverty has produced his wealth.

- Sarawak Report

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pimpinan UMNO yang menghilangkan kuasa dan suara Melayu-Islam

Pandangan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad yang disokong oleh beberapa pimpinan UMNO lain bahawa orang-orang Melayu akan kehilangan kuasa dan 'suara' jika Pakatan Rakyat berjaya mengambil alih pemerintahan negara adalah merupakan suatu pandangan yang tidak berpijak di bumi kenyataan dan igauan takutkan kekalahan kerana dibejati kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan semasa memimpin negara.

Semuanya ini telah sekali lagi diulang sebut pada saat UMNO berada dalam keadaan yang paling parah dari segi politiknya. Sejarah sekali-kali tidak boleh menafikan bahawa UMNO adalah parti warisan yang meneruskan agenda penjajah dengan melaksanakan ideologi yang boleh melemahkan umat Islam disamping mereka juga tidak boleh dijadikan contoh yang baik terhadap masyarakat majmuk dalam negara kita ini.

Pimpinan UMNO jugalah yang terus menerus melebarkan pandangan masyarakat dijalur perkauman sempit. Kemajmukan masyarakat dalam negara kita ini sepatutnya dijadikan satu asas untuk membina negara Malaysia yang hebat dan dalam masa yang sama menunjukkan contoh model keadilan Islam yang sebenar.

Tetapi UMNO telah gagal dalam memikul amanah rakyat ini. Akibatnya orang Melayu yang mendapat majoriti besar dalam pilihanraya tetapi gagal untuk memartabatkan Islam yang menjadi agama persekutuan dalam negara kita ini. Pimpinan UMNO dan BN telah menunjukkan pelbagai contoh kepimpinan yang merosakkan imej Islam dengan berlakunya ketidakadilan dalam masyarakat, penyelewengan dan rasuah dari puluhan hingga ke jutaan ringgit serta meneruskan amalan demokrasi yang pincang.

Semuanya ini telah menyebabkan berlakunya pelbagai penindasan dan kezaliman terhadap orang Melayu-Islam dalam negara kita sendiri. Tentu kita tidak lupa bahawa pimpinan UMNO lah yang menyebabkan hilangnya kuasa politik Islam di Singapura. Sikap songsang mereka ini juga dapat dilihat apabila kerajaan BN pimpinan UMNO yang telah memerintah Pulau Pinang selama puluhan tahun sehingga meninggalkan suasana politik buruk yang menghakis masyarakat Melayu-Islam di sana, tetapi tanpa segan silu pimpinan UMNO ini cuba menyalahkan Pakatan Rakyat yang hanya berusia dua tahun.

Kita juga tidak sekali-kali akan lupa bahawa diskriminasi politik dilaksanakan secara pecah perintah oleh UMNO yang memerintah di Kerajaan Persekutuan terhadap orang Melayu-Islam di Terengganu, Kelantan dan Kedah dalam isu pemberian subsidi baja, perampasan royalti minyak di Terengganu dan menafikannya di Kelantan, penyusutan tanah wakaf di Pulau Pinang dan kegagalan mengendalikan tanah rezab Melayu, pemberian geran tanah yang dijadikan ugutan untuk memperolehi undi, penafian peluang biasiswa pendidikan dan peluang perniagaan yang disekat serta pelbagai lagi penindasan yang dilakukan terhadap orang Melayu-Islam di bawah semata-mata kerana mereka yang mempunyai pendirian politik yang berlainan dengan UMNO. Bukankah mereka ini juga orang Melayu-Islam ?.

Kita ingin bertanya : Mana dia suara bahawa UMNO membela Melayu-Islam ?.

Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) dengan ini mengajak seluruh orang Melayu-Islam yang bimbang dengan kedudukan mereka agar dapat berfikir dengan rasional dan fakta yang jelas, bahawa UMNO-BN akan sekali lagi berlaku curang terhadap mereka.

Marilah bersama dengan gagasan baharu bahawa PAS perlu menggantikan UMNO sebagai teras politik Melayu-Islam dalam negara kita ini.

Kepada seluruh rakyat dalam negara kita ini, tinggalkanlah BN dengan bersama membuat perubahan bersama PAS dalam Pakatan Rakyat ke arah Malaysia yang lebih adil dan sejahtera.

Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang
Presiden PAS

Raziah Grabs Multi-Million Dollar Forest for just RM250!

In an act of breathtaking meanness and greed the multi-billionaire Taib family are seeking to deprive impoverished Ibans of one of Sarawak’s last remaining hardwood forests, for a paltry compensation of just RM250 per family.

Victims of the Land Grab - Ibans of Kampong Ensika (right photo)

Meanwhile, Sarawak Report has received exclusive new leaks which indicate that the Chief Minister himself stands to personally profit by a million times that amount (an estimated RM250,000,000) in corrupt backhanders from the deal.

Raziah Mahmud and Quality Concrete Holdings

This latest illegal raid on Native Customary Rights Land is being carried out by Quality Concrete Holdings Berhad, a company part-owned and directed by the Chief Minister’s own sister, Raziah Mahmud. The Taibs, one of the richest families in Asia, have already started harvesting the timber, which is worth millions of US dollars, even though the majority of the villagers are refusing to accept the deal.

“We have been threatened that if we oppose this claim we are going against the government and opposing development” explained one protester, “but why does the government act like a common thief in this case and how much development can we achieve for RM 250?”.

Already driving into the forest without permission (left photo)

The threatened area is a small range of hills near Sebangan not far from Kuching, consisting of 3,305 hectares of forest. The surrounding region has already been devastated by state-sponsored logging promoted by the Taibs in the 80s and 90s.

However until now it was not considered economic to tackle the raised ground, which has been farmed and hunted for generations by 16 villages of Iban dwellers.

The villagers explain that the area is carpeted by hundreds of thousands of tall trees, some of it valuable primary jungle containing hardwoods that are now painfully scarce. The Secretary General of the Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) Nicholas Mujah, who comes from the community, says that there are up to 700 tons of Belian, Meranti, Bulyan, Selangan, Kapur, Kempas, Tekam, Resak, Lon, Penyau, Ruan and Engkaban available per hectare. These all command top prices in the world market, although the logging of such rare timber is now internationally condemned.

The area is also a refuge for some of Sarawak’s remaining wildlife and birdlife, much of which has been wiped out by the Taibs over the past 30 years.

Corruption and conflict of interest

Conveniently on the Board - Raziah Mahmud, Taib's sister (right photo)

The Iban owners of the forest say they are happy to conserve the wood for future generations and to conduct sustainable logging for their needs. However, the aging Chief Minister, who has already earned billions out of corrupt logging deals seems to have been unable to resist the prospect of grabbing more money by cutting it all down.

In this case, like so many others, he has used a relative, his sister Raziah Mahmud, to conduct the plunder. Raziah is a shareholder and paid Non-Executive Director of Quality Concrete Holdings, a public company largely owned by the family of Tiang Ming Sing and Tiang Ming Kok (the Chairman and Managing Director). She is therefore directly profiting from her connections with the Chief Minister, who hands out all timber licences.

The CM’s cut will be at least MR250 million - Exclusive new Revelations

However, following new leaks, Sarawak Report is now able to further reveal an even more shocking form of corruption involved in the deal. Top timber company insiders have exclusively confided to Sarawak Report that before issuing any timber licence the Chief Minister always demands an extra secret cut, to be paid upfront into one of his offshore bank accounts.

RM250 million? Not bad, even for a multi-billionaire Chief Minister! (left photo)

The insiders say that Taib traditionally demands a rate of RM 100 per ton of timber. However, in this latest case the sum is likely to be substantially larger, given the value of the hardwoods at the Sebangan reserve.

According to the whistle-blowers, the Chief Minister calculates his cut by getting State Forest Department officials to assess how much timber is available in each concession.

So, if the 3,305 hectare Sebangan forest contains 700 tons of wood per hectare, this would mean that, at conservative estimates, Taib will have bagged just under 250 million ringgit from issuing the licence. That is well over $80 million US dollars at current exchange rates and is almost exactly a million times the amount being offered to the Iban families who rightfully own the land!

Sarawak Report would therefore like to ask Quality Concrete to confirm if they have yet made such an up front payment or if they are paying part up front and part later, which is sometimes the arrangement, or whether they are claiming that on this occasion they have been for some reason let off the payment?

Robbing his people blind

Simple people robbed of their heritage (right photo)

Such miserable deals have been the pattern by which the Chief Minister has deprived numerous communities in Sarawak of billions and billions of ringgit-worth of timber and made himself one of the richest men in Asia. Instead of going into promised development the money has gone into Taib’s foreign bank accounts, leaving the people of Sarawak among the poorest in Malaysia, despite their rich natural resources.

Strong-arm tactics – lies and thugs

In this latest case the Taibs are again attempting to abuse their control of state officials and adopting strong-arm tactics to force the unwilling villagers to hand over their forest, firstly through misrepresenting the terms of their licence.

The truth - Raziah's conditional licence expires in two months! (left photo)

Quality Concrete have in truth, only been issued a conditional year-long Occupation Certificate to log the timber, for the very reason that this is Native Customary Rights (NCR) Land.

This certificate has been issued under Section B of the Forest Ordinance, which specifically means that Quality Concrete need to achieve the consent of the Iban landowners before commencing any logging.

However, Raziah and her business cronies have of course done no such thing, because they know that such consent would either be withheld or would only come at a reasonable price for the land! They have instead sought to imply that they are fully licenced to strip the forest.

No warning and no permission asked

”Nobody warned or consulted us about anything” explains Sadun Ason, the Headman of Kampong Ensika, one of the affected communities. “The first I knew of it was when a villager called me to say he had seen logging equipment being shipped up river by boat on 11th July. We then immediately called the Pengulu, who astonishingly said he knew all about it and told us that there is nothing we can do to protest, as the whole matter is perfectly legal and we have no rights!”

Traditional meeting - community representatives discuss the crisis (right photo)

The 16 villages involved are rightly suspicious of this Pengulu. Taib undermined democracy in when he removed the right of longhouses to elect their own headmen and Pengulus and started to appoint these ‘representatives’ himself.

He pays them a miserable monthly salary to keep them loyal. Nevertheless, these characters usually still come from the local community and are accepted by the residents.

However, in this case a new Pengulu was appointed a few weeks before the issuing of Razia’s logging licence. He is a PBB member from an outside town. The headmen are naturally furious he kept them in the dark about Quality Concrete’s plans and the previous Pengulu has also testified against such behaviour and joined their protest.

“If there is anything that relates to the joint ownership of the forest the Pengulu should discuss the matter with the headmen and likewise the headmen would talk to their villagers. All these resources are shared resources and it is not right for the Pengulu to make a decision, especially such an important decision on his own”, says Ason emphatically. “Rightfully, the Pengulu and headmen should be the ones to protect the forest, but we end up fighting him”.

Deceitful tactics by the loggers and their official backers

Coming down - logging of valuable wood has started (left photo)

The villagers have tried to blockade the site and have demanded proper information and paper-work from Quality Concrete. But Raziah and her co-directors have been characteristically unforthcoming. Outrageously, they have also started driving a road into the territory and harvesting valuable timber in the process.

At a meeting organised by the police on 2nd July, officials from the Forestry Department and Land Survey Department showed their bias by meeting first, separately with the representatives of Quality Concrete and their lawyers, along with the suspect Pengulu.

Gazetted since 1956 - this proof of NCR status came from the Land Registry! (right photo)

The officials then came out and claimed to the villagers that the land was not gazetted and claimed there was no evidence the area was NCR land. However, Sarawak Report has obtained evidence proving this claim was untrue. In fact the Land Registry’s own records show that the land has been gazetted since 1956 and is indeed Native Customary Rights Land. The licence Quality Concrete has been given is subject to any NCR claims. Meanwhile, internal documents from the Forestry Department also show that officials have now instructed Quality Concrete not to encroach on the vast majority of the area contained in the provisional licence unless and until the dispute has been settled.

Sarawak Report has copies of all these documents, however in typical fashion the officials on the ground, working with Raziah Taib and Quality Concrete and their lawyers, have attempted to conceal these facts from the villagers.

Bullying into submission

Meanwhile the timber company and Pengulu have been working hard to browbeat and divide the community into submission. They have gone around all the longhouses offering MR25o ‘compensation payment’ to each family prepared to sign away their rights to the forest and MR800 to each headman. This may be a laughable sum, but Taib has kept his people financially poor for a very good reason – it makes them easier to rob of their natural wealth.

On 13th August a group of 11 villagers including three of the 16 headmen were transported in Quality Concrete’s own vehicles to Sibu, where they were given a reception and dinner and then asked to sign documents in the absence of any legal representative. They were not given copies of the documents to bring back, but they were told that they have now legally signed away their rights to the forest.

Dirt poor - this family took the money (left photo)

These headmen have now gone round other long houses and persuaded a number of the desperately poor villagers that, since they have no choice in the matter (not true), they had better take what money is available to them.

A minority of the villagers have now been persuaded to go to the nearby town of Sebuyau and sign away their claims for a mere MR250. They had no legal representative and have been offered no copies of the documents they signed – most are illiterate.

“The worst thing about it is that it has divided the villages in such a terrible way”, says Numpang Suntai who has been helping coordinate the protests. “Some are so brow-beaten and poor they feel they must accept the money, but the others know that in the long-term the consequences will be terrible for us. We look at neighbouring areas where this has happened and we know we will suffer. We won’t have any wood, our land will be taken, the wildlife will be gone, the water of the river will be affected and the fish will all die. We will be hungry. Our life is tough and we have no real income, so we depend on the forest”.

Aware of the consequences - Numpang Suntai, local campaigner (right photo)

Numpang dismisses the idea that there might be jobs and development. “There will be no jobs at all, they use Indonesians to cut down the forest and Indonesians to work on the palm plantations. They only offer MR7 a day to work on palm plantations and we can’t live on that. The Indonesians find it worth it, because of the exchange rate for them”.

A fit leader for Sarawak?

Taib of course believes that he will triumph in this matter. The fight for Sebangan’s final forest has reached a critical stage, which he, his sister and their timber company collaborators have experienced many times before. They have all the finance, the official backing and of course, access to intimidation as well.

The villagers are already fearfully expecting the arrival of the notorious logging company ‘thugs’, the strongmen who so often come to intimidate local communities who hold out against them. Meanwhile, the Pengulu and the logging company legal teams are misleadingly informing the protesters that because some people have now signed it will be impossible to stop the logging.

Campaigning on landrights - PKR's office in Kuching (left photo)

There is still hope for justice

However, signs are that people are waking up to the Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud. It will be interesting to see whether the new information revealing the true extent of Taib’s personal profit from this raid - his MR250 million cut -will alter the dynamics of this particular forest battle.

Sarawak Report will also be forwarding the inside leaks from the Land Survey Department and Forestry Department to the protestors’ newly acquired legal team, headed by Baru Bian in Kuching.

Baru, who is Sarawak’s top human rights lawyer and the PKR leader in the state, has started to win significant court victories against Taib in the local and federal courts .

Agent for Change - Baru in campaigning dress at his desk (right photo)

Taib’s last grasp?

This scandalous new case will join over 200 other native land rights cases on his desk, all of which directly challenge the Taib family’s devastating plunder of the state.

Most importantly, the Chief Minister will soon have to face the electorate with a record that no politician on earth would wish to have to defend.

- Sarawak Report

Perbicaraan liwat Anwar jejas pelaburan, kata Branson

Usahawan jutawan Britain Sir Richard Branson berkata perbicaran liwat membabitkan ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang sedang berlangsung memberi kesan ke atas Malaysia dan mematahkan semangat pelabur untuk menanam modal di negara ini.

"Malaysia mempunyai reputasi yang baik di luar negara. Tetapi apa yang berlaku ke atas Anwar Ibrahim membawa kesan buruk ke atas Malaysia,” katanya pada majlis khas forum Invest Asia 2010, anjuran International Herald Tribune di Kuala Lumpur, hari ini.

"Saya fikir ia bukan isu utama tetapi yang pasti ia bagaikan duri dalam daging. Saya berpendapat ini telah berlarutan agak lama. Ini tidak baik di luar negara,” katanya .

Bercakap kepada kira-kira 800 pemimpin perniagaan di Kuala Lumpur, Branson berkata, imej negara masih lagi penting kerana ia membolehkan kerajaan untuk menarik para pelabur dan pada masa yang sama, melaksanakan dasar yang lebih baik untuk melengkapinya.

Bekas TPM itu yang dipecat dan dipenjarakan atas dua tuduhan berasingan membabitkan tuduhan liwat dan rasuah lebih sedekad lalu berkata tuduhan terbaru juga membabitkan liwat dengan pembantunya bertujuan 'membunuh' kerjaya politiknya.

Human Rights Watch menggesa Malaysia menggugurkan tuduhan berkenaan manakala kerajaan Amerika Syarikat pula memberi amaran bahawa ia sedang memerhatikan saga itu dengan dekat.

"Jika Malaysia lebih liberal, lebih ramai orang akan melabur. Jika anda pemimpin yang berani, anda sepatutnya menghapuskan perkara seumpama itu yang merosakkan reputasi negara,” kata Branson.

Usahawan Britain itu diminta mengulas sama ada dasar ekonomi dan pelaburan Malaysia pada masa ini akan terus mampan untuk pertumbuhan masa depan jika iklim politik boleh menjejaskan pelaburan.

Beliau juga berkata, iklim politik semasa tidak menjejaskan Malaysia dengan ketara tetapi kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah-langkah berani untuk menangani isu itu.

"Pada umumnya, saya rasa banyak yang boleh kami di barat ini belajar dari Malaysia dan kami sememangnya mahu belajar dari anda," kata Branson yang dilaporkan mempunyai nilai kekayaan bernilai AS$4 bilion.

Pengasas Virgin Group itu mengembangkan perniagaannya kepada dunia muzik, pengembaraan udara, mudah alih, perhotelan, aeroangkasa dan lain-lain dengan sekitar 200 syarikat di lebih 30 negara.

Usahawan berjaya itu meraikan ulangtahunnya yang ke-60 baru-baru ini, turut memaklumkan pentingnya melakukan kerja-kerja kemanusiaan di kalangan usahawan memandangkan mereka mempunyai sumber kewangan dan kemahiran keusahawanan yang cukup untuk membantu mereka yang memerlukan.

"Dengan kekayaan yang berlebihan, ia seiring dengan tanggungjawab. Saya rasa pemimpin perniagaan mempunyai keupayaan dan pengalaman yang ahli politik tiada,” katanya.

Sesi khas itu diperantarakan oleh bekas wartawan CNN, Lorraine Hahn.

Forum dua hari yang bertemakan "Dawn of the New Decade" bermula hari ini.

Ia akan menyaksikan perbincangan dari 19 pakar terkemuka antarabangsa, berkongsi pendapat mengenai pilihan pelaburan di Asia dan cara untuk mengukuhkan portfolio pelaburan.

- malaysiakini

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Apakah motif Anwar enggan pegang jawatan?

Agak pelik dan musykil juga bila melihat sikap PKR de facto Anwar Ibrahim yang enggan menerima sebarang pencalonan dalam Pemilihan PKR kali ini. Setakat hari ini hanya ada 8 cabang PKR yang mencalonkannya untuk jawatan Presiden. Apakah beliau sendiri dah dapat firasat bahawa parti yang dipimpin oleh isterinya akan berkubur selepas PRU13 sebagaimana yang pernah dialami oleh Semangat 46?

Mungkin tulisan ini seolah-olah 'bias' namun jauh di sudut hati ini dapat merasakan parti pelbagai jenis fahaman dan bangsa ini akan berkubur tak lama lagi. Mudah-mudahan apa yang dirasakan penulis tidak benar.

Penulis tidak berniat untuk merendah-rendahkan kewibawaan PKR namun percayalah mana-mana parti serpihan UMNO Barisan Nasional sebelum ini pasti berhadapan dengan masalah kepimpinan dan juga ahlinya. Punca utamanya kerana tiada aqidah perjuangan. Hanya bergantung pada semangat dan gelombang semasa.

Jun lalu penulis ada pulang ke kampung di Batu Pahat, Johor selepas menghadiri MUktamar PAS di Kelantan. Sempat juga penulis bertemu dengan beberapa orang sahabat di kalangan pimpinan PAS Kawasan dan bertanya khabar tentang Pakatan Rakyat di Johor, khususnya Batu Pahat.

Dalam pertemuan secara santai itu dapatlah penulis merumuskan betapa lemahnya jentera PKR di peringkat cabang. Malah penulis turut dimaklumkan ramai di kalangan ketua cabang mengeluh atas kelemahan jentera di peringkat akar umbi disebabkan ketiadaan dana dan petugas. Setiap kali program mahu dibuat, pimpinan cabang akan mengadu pada pimpinan PAS bagi mendapatkan 'belas ihsan' daripada para petugas PAS.

Yang menjadi masalah ialah kebanyakan pimpinan utama PKR ni jenis yang 'berlagak'. Merasakan parti semakin kuat dan hebat ekoran sokongan yang diterima dalam PRU12 lalu. Sayang sejuta kali sayang belum pun sampai setahun PRU12 berlalu, 2 orang wakil rakyatnya melompat pasal tak puashati kerana tak dapat jadi MB Perak. Lepas tu beberapa orang lagi ADUN dan MPnya turut sama melompat.

Adakah boleh diyakini ADUN dan MP PKR yang ada hari ini akan terus setia bersama parti jika parti itu kalah teruk dalam PRu13 kelak?

Ramai di kalangan pemerhati politik berpendapat PKR hari ini masih dibayangi oleh faktor Anwar itu sendiri. Persoalannya adakah PKR akan terus dominan sebagai salah sebuah parti politik yang mampu menggugat kemaraan UMNO BN selepas ketiadaan Anwar? Seribu kemungkinan boleh berlaku sebelum PRU13. Malahan konspirasi politik fasa kedua (Kes Liwat II) untuk menjatuhkan Anwar terus dilakukan oleh UMNO bagi memastikan karier politk dan pengaruh Anwar berkubur terus. UMNO sememangnya sedar dengan ketiadaan Anwar ianya memberikan implikasi besar pada PKR itu sendiri.

Yang menjadi tanda-tanya rakyat hari ini ialah kenapa Anwar enggan memegang sebarang jawatan parti khususnya Presiden?

Sepatutnya Anwar harus memikul tanggungjawab sebagai Presiden. Bukan setakat menjadi penasihat saja. Adakah sikap ini menggambarkan bahawa Anwar tidak mahu terikat dengan perlembagaan parti atau hanya dengan cara ini saja beliau boleh memainkan peranan 'kuasa vetonya'. Kalau disingkap semula bagaimana Zaid Ibrahim boleh dipilih sebagai calon dalam PRK Hulu Selangor sedangkan Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi parti sudah ada senarai 5 orang yang bakal dipilih. Khabarnya Anwar menggunakan kuasa veto dengan memilih Zaid.

Walaupun sebagai advisor tapi siapa yang berani melawan keputusan Anwar. Perlu disedari Anwar ni ada 'aura' kuat macam Mawi juga namun jangan dinafikan kewibawaan dan peranan Kak Wan sebagai Presiden. Di sebalik ketenangan wajah dan sifat lemah-lembutnya Kak Wan telah berjaya memimpin PKR dengan cemerlang semasa Anwar di "hotel 5 bintang" Sungai Buloh.

Ironisnya ada pimpinan cabang turut mengakui PKR lebih aman semasa Anwar dalam penjara. Justeru jangan dihairanlah sekiranya Anwar tidak mendapat pencalonan banyak jawatan Presiden. Mungkin majoriti cabang lebih senang Kak Wan kekal sebagai Presiden bagi memastikan parti itu kekal aman walau kadang-kadang ada gelora yang melanda.

PKR jangan terlalu yakin dengan momentum rakyat dan tidak terlalu ghairah menabur janji dalam setiap program penerangan dan ceramah sebab rakyat sentiasa membuat penilaian dari masa ke semasa. Tersilap langkah musuh buat counter-attack di saat akhir dan padah menimpa. Sedarlah diri sikit dengan kepincangan jentera di peringkat akar umbi. Sampai bila nak bergantung harap kepada jentera dan para petugas parti rakan. Sekali dua bolehlah tapi kalau asyik nak minta tolong sepanjang masa, itu karutlah.

Seperkara lagi penulis melihat PKR berhadapan dengan pelbagai rencam fahaman dalam kepimpinannya. Ada berfahaman sosialis, pragmatis, sekular, liberal, atis dan sebagainya. Lebih malang lagi Anwar terlepas pandang untuk mentarbiyyah barisan pimpinan dan ahli-ahlinya yang beragama Islam walhal orang seperti Dr Badrul Amin boleh memikul tugas dan tanggungjawab yang berkesan bagi tujuan itu. Malahan barisan Ulama' dan Ustaz PAS sentiasa bersedia untuk membantu dalam aspek pengisian rohani.

Jika PKR menitik-beratkan program tarbiyyah sebegini, insya'Allah seluruh barisan pimpinan dan ahli PKR mempunyai roh Islam dalam dada mereka dan secara langsung memberi impak positif dalam pengukuhan jentera dan parti itu sendiri. Namun apa yang penulis lihat kebanyakan pimpinan di semua peringkat dan ahlinya berperangai saling tak tumpah macam UMNO.

Waima apa pun, penulis berharap PKR mampu berubah serta membuang jauh-jauh segala 'tabiat UMNO' yang boleh merosakkan parti. Jika ianya masih berterusan dan tiada sebarang tindakan untuk mengatasinya, maka penulis lebih redha PKR berkubur daripada terus menjadi 'barah' dalam Pakatan Rakyat.

Wallah hu'alam.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hubungan pimpinan UMNO dengan rasuah, seks, betina ibarat irama dan lagu. Tanpa 3 'benda' ni pincanglah hidup mereka. Sebab mereka telah terdidik dalam UMNO yang berguru dengan Yahudi Zionis bahawa takde yang haram lagi. Semuanya boleh. Rasuah ok, zina ok. Manakala betina jalang dan golongan artis tak bermaruah menjadi buruan mereka bagi menunaikan hajat nafsu yang tak tertahan.

Mana boleh tahan bila melihat artis berpakaian seksi menampakkan lurah gunung dengan kulit putih melepak. Sapa pun boleh meleleh air liur beb. Apatah lagi Islam hanya tinggal kulit je. Dengan wang jutaan ringgit, VVIP UMNO bebas untuk memburu sapa saja artis betina yang kurang popular dan materialistik tapi 'mengancam'.

Skandal Seks VVIP Sabah

Menjelang pilihanraya umum ke-13, Sabah akan menjadi medan pembongkaran Skandal Seks para pemimpin UMNO, terutama melibatkan beberapa VVIP yang sedang hangat dijaja di kedai kopi hingga di lobi parlimen dan pejabat Perdana Menteri.

Seorang menteri Kabinet Persekutuan yang mempunyai anak luar nikah dan terpaksa mengahwinkan wanita yang dihamilinya dengan adik kandungnya bagi menutup Skandal Seksnya dikhabarkan mempunyai satu lagi skandal yang baru.

Namun seorang VVIP tidak kurang hebatnya kerana walaupun beragama Islam, namun mempunyai anak luar nikah dengan seorang wanita serani bernama Benebin Peter yang kini menetap di London.

Benebin merupakan anak seorang bekas Pengurus Besar sebuah syarikat yang ada hubung kait dengan bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah iaitu Bintang Baru kini mempunyai suami, namun masih berhubungan dengan VVIP tersebut.

Anak perempuan hasil hubungan sulit VVIP berkenaan dikhabarkan sudah mengetahui bahawa suami ibunya bukanlah bapa biologinya dan sedang mencari ayahnya yang juga VVIP berkenaan yang turut dikhabarkan mempunyai tiga orang isteri dan lima gundik lain.

Salah seorang gundiknya akan dilantik menjawat jawatan tertinggi sebuah organisasi penting kini kurang senang mendengar perkembangan terbaru tersebut kerana VVIP berkenaan tidak mengaku menjalinkan hubungan dengan bekas Setiausahanya sehingga memperolehi dua orang anak dan kini terpaksa menetap di luar negara.

- Sabahkini

Cek RM4b: Dalang dan motif pemberian makin terdedah

Manusia merancang dan Allah juga ada rancangan-Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah jualah sebaik-baik Perancang dan pasti akan berlaku atas kehendak-Nya. Dan itulah yang terjadi semalam bila mana semakin terdedah siapakah dalang sebenar dan apakah motif di sebalik pemberian cek RM4 bilion yang kononnya didakwa untuk membantu kerajaan PAS Kelantan.

KUALA LUMPUR - Dalam keadaan kerajaan PAS Kelantan diasak dengan isu cek RM4 bilion, wajah dan motif sebebanr syarikat I'Da World Group Sdn Bhd dan hubungannya dengan Umno semakin jelas terdedah.

Keratan akhbar Utusan Borneo dengan tajuk "I'Da World Group menjayakan 1Malaysia" Khamis, 8 April 2010 cukup membuktikan siapa mereka dan dalang di belakang mereka.

Dalam satu majlis di Kota Kinabalu, keakraban syarikat itu dengan Umno terserlah apabila syarikat tersebut diberi projek dalam usaha membantu Sabah dengan dakwaan menjayakan 1Malaysia gagasan Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Ekoran penyerahan replika cek RM4 bilion baru-baru ini yang didakwa untuk PAS negeri itu, media milik Umno dan pemimpin parti itu melakukan serangan bertubi-tubi terhadap kepimpinan Menteri Besar, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Tidak cukup dengan pelbagai tohmahan jahat terhadap kerajaan negeri, mereka turut menggesa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah (SPRM) menyiasat.

Di pihak kerajaan negeri dan masyarakat Kelantan pula, timbul persoalan apa sebenarnya motif di sebalik gimik penyerahan replika cek tersebut.

Lebih menimbulkan tanda tanya, ianya dilakukan tanpa kehadiran mana-mana pemimpin PAS negeri itu mahupun Exco kerajaan negeri sendiri.

Badan Perhubungan PAS Kelantan juga tidak dijemput sedangkan mereka mendakwa cek RM4 bilion tersebut untuk PAS Kelantan bagi membantu melaksanakan prasarana di beberapa jajahan di negeri ini.

Replika cek tersebut sebelum ini diserahkan kepada adinda Menteri Besar Kelantan, Nik Din Nik Mat dalam satu majlis makan malam di sebuah hotel di sini.

Nik Din bagaimanapun tampil menjelaskan beliau ke majlis itu atas kapasiti peribadi dan menafikan beliau mewakili mana-mana pihak.

Dalam pada itu Tuan Guru Nik Aziz juga mengumumkan bahawa kerajan negeri akan menyenaraihitamkan syarikat tersebut yang didakwa mempunyai niat tertentu terhadap negeri itu.

Menurutnya lagi, Syarikat I’DA World Group Sdn Bhd (l’DA World) tidak mempunyai sebarang projek di negeri ini dan kerajaan negeri juga tidak mempunyai sebarang hubungan dengannya.

Dalam pada itu, beberapa blog turut mendedahkan siapakah sebenarnya Pengerusi Eksekutif I'Da World Group, Abdul Rahim Abdul Wahab.

Beberapa keping gambar didedahkan menunjukkan Abdul Wahab dalam majlis perlancanran Misi Perdana de Everest - Tibet 2011 yang berlangsung di Dewan Felda, Jalan Gurney yang dilancarkan Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak pada 25 April lalu.

Pendedahan-pendahan tersebut dijangka mampu merungkai dan menjawab segala persoalan berhubung niat sebenar dan dalang di sebalik pemberian replika cek tersebut.

- harakahdaily

Friday, September 24, 2010

SABAH - Benarkah Ah Long bayar gaji Polis???

Kita tak pernah lupa bila bekas Pengarah JSJ Bukit Aman mendedahkan penglibatan mantan KPN Musa Hasan dalam melindungi kepentingan beberapa sindiket kongsi gelap termasuk Ah Long. Bukan lagi menjadi rahsia bila "King of the Ah Long" dari Muar yang bebas daripada dakwaan menjalankan perniagaan pinjaman wang haram. Adakah kumpulan gengster Ah Long di Kota Kinabalu ini juga mendapat perlindungan Polis?

PUKUL....Maria menunjukkan gambar samseng yang memukul beliau dan suaminya sehingg cedera parah.

MUNGKINKAH kisah layar perak filem Bollywood dan Hollywood berhubung polis bersubahat dengan penjenayah yang berleluasa di India dan Amerika benar-benar terjadi di Malaysia?

Itulah hakikat yang terpaksa dilalui oleh Maria Liang dan suaminya, William Joseph yang hidup dalam ketakutan dan sentiasa diburu Ah Long yang begitu berpengaruh di Penampang; sedangkan mereka tidak pernah berhutang walau satu sen pun dengan ‘Taiko’ Ah Long yang bernama Alex Soo Chi Pin.

Menurut Maria, pada 1 Jun 2010, kira-kira jam 11 pagi, di rumah mertuanya, tempat mereka sekeluarga tinggal, telah didatangi oleh sekumpulan enam orang yang memberitahu untuk berjumpa dengan Maria.

“Saya bertanya kenapa cari saya? Mereka memperkenalkan diri sebagai pegawai ‘polis’ daripada ‘commercial crime’ dan mahu mencari William kerana mahu menjalankan siasatan berhubung satu laporan polis yang dibuat terhadapnya. Seksyen 420 kata mereka,” kata Maria yang menyatakan bahawa William ialah suaminya yang kebetulan tiada di rumah ketika itu.

Menurut Maria, beliau curiga dengan tuduhan suaminya di bawah Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan untuk kesalahan menipu dan bertanya kenapa polis berkenaan tidak menggunakan uniform; namun kata seorang ‘polis’ tersebut mereka CID.

“Mereka tidak percaya saya kata William tiada di rumah dan memaksa saya untuk menggeledah rumah termasuk bilik tidur kami. Saya tanya sama ada mereka ada bawa waran atau surat mahkamah. Mereka kata tidak perlu surat atau waran kerana mereka ada kuasa dan akan tuduh saya bersubahat dengan penjenayah,” ujar Maria yang kemudiannya mencabar mereka menunjukkan kad kuasa polis.

Mujur kata Maria, sebelum sempat mereka melangkah masuk, setelah menunjukkan sesuatu kad dari jauh; abang ipar beliau, Boniventure Chen dan beberapa saudara mara datang ke rumah lalu ‘polis’ tersebut membatalkan niat memasuki rumah.

Tegas Maria, beliau terpaksa mendesak ‘Polis’ berkenaan menunjukkan surat kebenaran atau waran geledah daripada mahkamah kerana sebelum ini beliau dan suaminya telah membuat laporan polis terhadap seorang Ah Long bernama Alex Soo Chi Pin dan sekumpulan samseng yang telah memukul dan mencederakan beliau dan suaminya.

“Kejadian serangan itu disaksikan sendiri oleh wakil Peguam Alex yang bernama Kenneth yang turut cuba menghalang Alex memukul kami laki bini,” ujar Maria yang masih trauma dengan kejadian ngeri tersebut yang mengakibatkan suaminya cedera parah.

Kata Maria lagi, beliau bertambah gelisah dan gementar kerana di antara ‘Polis’ tersebut termasuk batang tubuh Alex Soo sendiri.

“Ketika mereka datang hanya saya, mertua saya yang sudah uzur dan empat anak saya sahaja yang berada di rumah dan saya terpaksa berwaspada kerana bimbang Alex akan bertindak menyerang kami,” kata Maria yang curiga dengan perangai ‘Polis’ berkenaan.

Menurut Maria, beliau bertanya ‘polis’ berkenaan kenapa Alex bersama mereka namun ‘polis’ menafikan mereka datang bersama Alex dan tidak mengenali Alex yang ketika itu berada di belakang dapur rumah meninjau sekeliling.

Ketika itu kata Maria, beliau cuba memberi tahu ‘Polis’ yang datang ke rumah mereka bahawa Alex Soo yang memukul beliau dan suaminya; namun ‘polis’ berkenaan langsung tidak mempedulikan aduannya.

“Saya tidak tahu apakah Alex Soo datang bersama polis atau mereka datang berasingan atau mereka bekerja sama mahu mengugut saya,” kata Maria sambil mengimbau kejadian seorang ‘polis’ lain yang bernama Muhyiddin datang mencari beliau di pejabatnya di Alam Mesra bersama beberapa lelaki lain ketika beliau bercuti di Sarawak.

Akibat lawatan polis yang tidak diundang itu, Maria mengambil keputusan untuk berhenti kerja setelah dinasihatkan oleh majikannya walaupun prestasi kerjanya amat baik sebelum ini.

Kesan daripada itu, Maria bimbang Alex mengupah ‘polis’ berkenaan melalui konspirasi pihak atasan polis kerana Alex pernah menggertak beliau membuat laporan polis kalau berani sambil memperlekehkan bahawa semua polis berada di dalam ‘payroll’nya dan tidak akan berani melakukan apa-apa.

“Saya amat takut kerana Alex melakukan pelbagai gangguan termasuk membunuh anjing kesayangan saya dengan kejam dan meletakkan di bawah kereta saya, semata-mata untuk menakutkan saya,” kata Maria yang kesal dengan persekongkolan ‘polis’ berkenaan bersama Alex.

Sehubungan itu, Maria telah membuat laporan polis PPG/RPT/4373/2010 pada 4 Jun 2010 di Balai Polis penampang.

Dalam pada itu, Boniventure Chen juga turut membuat polis PPG/RPT/4296/2010 pada 3 Jun 2010 sebagai tambahan kepada laporan polis yang dibuatnya pada 1 Disember 2008 melalui laporan PPG/RPT/181/2008 di Balai Polis Penampang, yang memaklumkan bahawa Alex Soo, Ling Chee Kee dan beberapa orangnya telah memukul William dan Maria, namun sehingga ke hari ini tidak ada sebarang tindakan diambil terhadap penjenayah tersebut.

Sehubungan itu, Maria dan suaminya mendesak agar Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Ismail Omar dan Pesuruhjaya Polis Sabah, Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim mengarahkan anggota polis menjalankan siasatan dan mendakwa Alex Soo dan kumpulan samsengnya ke mahkamah kerana menjalankan perniagaan haram dan secara niat mencederakan beliau dan suaminya.

“Jika Alex Soo tidak membayar gaji ‘polis’, buktikan dengan penangkapan mereka,” cabar Maria yang kesal dengan keengganan Polis melayan laporan polis yang beliau dan iparnya buat sebelum ini.- sabahkini.

oleh Kapten(B)Yazid J

Alhamdulillah, 5 tertuduh kes "bini puaka" dibebaskan

Spontan hati menyebut kalimah Alhamdulillah bila dapat tahu Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur telah membebaskan 5 orang mahasiswa pagi ini atas tuduhan kes "bini puaka'. Kalau di negara lain, rakyat bebas mngkritik pemimpin yang rasuah dan jahat tapi kat Malaysia ni lain sikit sebab pemimpin negara berlagak macam tuhan. Langsung tak boleh dikritik dan dilawan. Sapa lawan akan menerima padahnya.

KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Sept: Lima mahasiswa Universiti Malaya (UM) yang dituduh berhubung kes "bini puaka" hari ini dibebaskan oleh Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur.

Hakim Rozana Ali Yusoff memutuskan tiada prima facie dalam kes tersebut dan mengarahkan kesemua mereka yang dituduh dibebaskan.

Mereka adalah Shazni Munir Mohd Ithnin, Muhammad Aizat Roslan, Muhammad Saufi Jelani, Mohd Izzuddin Hilmi Mohd Zaini dan Mohd Syahriuldeen Ahmad Rosli yang didakwa dibawah Seksyen 427, 436 dan 447 Kanun Keseksaan.

Perbicaraan kes kelima-lima tertuduh berlangsung sejak ia bermula Julai tahun lalu.

Mereka dituduh menconteng "bini puaka" dan "pembunuh Altantuya" yang ditujukan kepada isteri perdana menteri, Rosmah Mansor.

Kesalahan itu didakwa berlaku pada 4 pagi 24 Jun lalu di dewan kuliah utama API, beberapa jam sebelum Rosmah hadir untuk melancarkan kempen mengutip derma bagi kanak-kanak Palestin.

Bagi Seksyen 427, mereka dituduh menyimbah petrol di atas permaidani yang bakal dilalui Rosmah dan menconteng di sebuah dewan akademi pengajian itu.

Manakala bagi Seksyen 436, ketiga-tiga dituduh melakukan perbuatan khianat dengan menggunakan api di tempat dan waktu yang sama.

Bagi Seksyen 447 pula, mereka dituduh melakukan pencerobohan jenayah pada tarikh dan masa yang sama.

Sementara itu, Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) yang mengadakan “Himpunan Bebaskan Mahasiswa” di Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta menyambut keputusan itu dengan penuh syukur terhadap pembebasan rakan mereka.

"SMM mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kepada pihak mahkamah dan peguam-peguam kerana melaksanakan perbicaraan kes ini dengan adil dan saksama.

"Kes ini menunjukkan gambaran yang jelas bahawa kelima-lima mangsa puaka ini ini dituduh dan dikhianati oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab yang mahu mematikan gerakan mahasiswa," kata Setiausaha SMM, Mohd Ridzuan Othman.

- harakahdaily

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Replika Cek RM4 bilion - Nampak benor karutnya!

Mula-mula terkejut juga bila terpandang tajuk berita Malaysiakini "Adik Nik Aziz akui terima replika cek RM4 bilion". Macamana den tak tokojut, tak semeno-meno jo adik Tok Guru terima wang RM4 bilion. Bukan sikit woo... Kalaulah den yg dapat duit tu, mahu-mahu seminggu den dok kat hospital pasai terkejut. Silap-silap jalan terus.

Bila dibaca isi berita, serta-merta den ketawa. Apa tak ketawanya sebab nampak sangat dia punya bohong. Sapa yang nak percaya dan mana ada satu syarikat kat dunia ni yang begitu bermurah-hati mendermakan wang RM4,000,000,000 begitu saja. Hilang akal apa 'big-boss' syarikat tu nak 'buang' duit macam tu je. Ini satu bab.

Yang keduanya, begitu ketara sangat cara dan tindakan I'da World Group Sdn Bhd seolah-olah menjadi alat pihak tertentu untuk memburukkan kerajaan PAS Kelantan bila mana pihak kerajaan negeri sendiri tak tahu menahu langsung pasal 'derma mega' tu.

Nak derma pada kerajaan tapi kerajaan sendiri tak tahu...

Seperkara lagi adik Nik Aziz sendiri mengakui beliau hadir ke majlis itu atas jemputan pihak penganjur, bukan untuk menerima replika cek tersebut. Dia sendiri pun tak dimaklumkan pasal derma tersebut.

Memang sengaja dirancang agar adik TGNA yang naik ke pentas untuk menerima replika cek 'kosong' tu. Bukannya ada duit pun. Yang penting berita tersebar di dada akhbar dengan tajuk "Adik Nik Aziz terima replika cek RM4 bilion". Bila rakyat baca tajuknya, sudah tentu persepsi negatif itu terarah kepada MB Kelantan. Itulah tujuannya pun.

Bak kata setengah orang "Kalau iya pun nak menipu, biarlah yang logik sikit..." Sapa yang nak percaya dengan jumlah derma sebanyak RM4 bilion tu.

Bukanlah nak menuduh tapi sapa lagi kat Malaysia ini yang menjadi seteru kuat PAS kalau bukan UMNO. Samada mahu percaya atau tidak, itu hak masing-masing. Bagi saya penyerahan replika cek RM4 bilion ini merupakan 'tektik kotor' pihak musuh yang sudah kehabisan stok modal untuk merampas kembali Kelantan.

Dah terbukti di depan mata kita semua segala perancangan jahat mereka gagal dan akhirnya memakan diri sendiri.

Kalau tak jahat, bukan namanya UMNO. Ehh... tak tahu nak habaqlah... Punya jahatnya UMNO ni sampai iblis pun tabik spring. Kalaulah barisan pimpinan UMNO ni boleh berjumpa dengan iblis secara terang-terang, tentunya ketua iblis akan mengurniakan pingat PSI (Pengikut Setia Iblis) kelas pertama.

Sebelum ini Raja Iblis telah mengurniakan pingat PSI kelas pertama ini pada Fira'un, Namrud, Abu Lahab, Abu Jahal, Abdullah bin Ubay, Kamal Ataturk, Anwar Saddat dan rakan-rakan yang sewaktu dengan mereka.

Mudah-mudahan kita dilindungi oleh Allah daripada termasuk golongan yang menerima pingat PSI itu.

Wallah hu'alam.

Mangsa Kerakusan dan Kezaliman UMNO

mangsa kezaliman
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