Saturday, January 17, 2009

Malaysia Is A Corruption Countries

Honestly, I really don't like to write down an article about what exactly happens in my country, Malaysia. As a citizan, there is also my responsbility to determine what's the best for my own country. Other Malaysian too. Nobody in this world hate their own country. But if we have a corruption government, what suppose to do ? Is enough by keep a mouth shout and do nothing ? Only a coward and foolish citizen did that.

Let we compare between Malaysia and neigbourhood countries, Singapore. Today, we can see the gab between the both countries including economic developement, currencies, industries and so on. We all know that Singapore is a part of Malaysia before, but now Singapore is a advanced independence country than Malaysia. According to Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2007, Singapore is one of the best country in the world by almost zero corruption. On ranking No.4. But Malaysia on ranking No.47 as a poor corruption country. Disgraceful.

Let see a big company like Singapore International Airlines (SIA). Then we do compare it with Malaysian Airlines System (MAS). What's the different between the company ?

SIA is the first airline company in the world bought the biggest passenger aircraft, Airbus A380 which worth USD 300 milion. SIA can buy it because the company's financial very stable. In 2002, SIA earn a net profit amount to SGD 849 million.

How about MAS ? In 2002, MAS only earn a net profit RM 1.1 million for the first three month which ended on September 2002. Before that, MAS has been loss for the 5 continuosly years. Why it has happened to MAS ? Corruption caused it. Many times Malaysian government took an action due to preventing MAS from bancruptcy by capitol injection which worth billion Ringgit Malaysia. I think MAS should learn how to make profit for the company from SIA.

One more thing. If a Malaysian citizen want to go Singapore, they have to spend a lot of money because Malaysian Ringgit is a lower than Singapore Dollar today. RM 1.00 = SGD 0.45. Just imagine how far Singapore leave Malaysia behind in economic growth. In 1975, value of Malaysian Ringgit is equal to Singapore Dollar.

Now, most of the Malaysian citizen want the wind of change in Malaysia. They dream of a New Malaysia without corruption, crimes and other bad things. Malaysia have everything. Just named it. Oil, palm oil and rubber plantations, factories, heavy industries and so on. Unfortunately, because of corruption activities, Malaysia is going to be a 'death country'. Nobody can changed it except people of Malaysia. Just only one way to save Malaysia by voting Pakatan Rakyat in a next 13th General Election soon.

Wake up all Malaysian, let us bring down UMNO/BN and the leader. We don't need them anymore. They are like pirates, no dignity, poor character, corrupter, lyer and big robber. They stealed our money and seized our rights as a Malaysian citizen. Many our brother and sister are leaving in proverty. Number of jobless are increasing year by year. Many Malaysian youth involved themselves in drugs abuse, black metal groups, crimes and other bad habits. Many innocent girl under age was raped and killed. Don't forget about Altantuya murder case. I think this is a brutal murder case in history, even in the world. Malaysia Boleh ! What will happen to our country if we still let them all rule the government.

We have a good leaders in Pakatan Rakyat . Anwar Ibrahim, Hj Hadi Awang, Khalid Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng and many of them are capable to bring up this country as well as Singapore, Korea and Taiwan.

Sorry if any errors in my English grammar. Please teach me.


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