Friday, January 28, 2011

Najib tak keruan, takut Anwar dan PR

Menghairankan bila seorang PM yang berkuasa boleh jadi penakut macam budak sekolah. Diajak berdebat isu ekonomi, tak nak. Lepas tu boleh pulak cakap "Kalau berdebat, nanti Anwar yang rebah." Pelbagai alasan dan helah diberikan oleh manusia bacul, penakut dan perasuah bernama Najib Altantuya. Benarlah kata orang, bila dah terlalu banyak dosa dan kesalahan, maka dengan sendirinya diri jadi tak keruan dan meracau. Dah lihat saja betapa meracaunya bapa anak Altantuya itu sekarang.

Dan hari ini dilaporkan bahawa Najib pada tahun lalu telah mendesak Arab Saudi bagi menyiasat dakwaan bahawa Ketua Pembangkang, DSAI ada menerima dana dari negara teluk untuk kempen pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Tengok. Punya gelabahnya Najib sejak tahun lalu lagi.

Heran sungguhlah... Kenapa Najib dok takut sangat Anwar dapat dana luar. Lantaklah siapa pun yang ikhlas nak beri dana pada Anwar, jika ada. Bukan salah. Kalau penulis sendiri seorang billionaire, sudah tentu penulis akan salurkan dana paling kurang RM50 juta juta kepada Pakatan Rakyat untuk menumbangkan rejim jahat kerajaan UMNO BN.

Hoi Najib, sila jawab segala tuduhan terhadap kau berhubung kes Altantuya, Scorpene, Eurocopter dan Sukhoi. Juga kalau anak jantan, sila sahut cabaran Anwar untuk berdebat dalam isu ekonomi. Tak usah berhelah dengan alasan bodoh. Rakyat hari ini semakin cerdik dan tahu memang kau penakut.

Najib kena ingat, gelombang kebangkitan rakyat di Tunisia sedang merebak ke seluruh dunia Islam. Rakyat Mesir dan Yemen kini sudah bangkit mendesak perletakan jawatan Presiden dan PM mereka. Bermakna mahukan kerajaan baru yang lebih baik.

Penulis nasihatkan Najib agar jangan terus memperalatkan Polis untuk melindungi segala kurap UMNO BN. Anggota Polis pun ada maruah. Bukan tugas mereka menjaga UMNO. Jangan sampai mereka turut bangkit bersama rakyat sebagaimana 2,000 anggota Polis Tunisia.

Marilah kita panjatkan doa' semuga Allah berikan kemenangan kepada Cikgu Normala Sudirman, calon PAS di PRK Tenang.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sampai bila mahu diperbodohkan?

Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang bermaruah, PRU13 adalah medan sebenar untuk kita ajar kerajaan kurap UMNO BN. Enough is enough. Telah lebih 52 tahun kita berada di bawah pemerintahan UMNO BN dan sepanjang tempoh itulah juga kita terus ditipu, ditindas dan dizalimi. Satu persatu hak kita dirampas. Kehidupan bukan semakin senang malah terus dihimpit dengan pelbagai bebanan kenaikan harga barangan, peningkatan kadar jenayah, keruntuhan akhlak, kebejatan gejala sosial, pengangguran, kemiskinan dan murtad.

Hari ini negara kita sedang dilanda krisis ekonomi yang serius ekoran hutang berjumlah RM 362.69 bilion. Bukan saja hutang, malah negara mengalami belanjawan defisit setiap tahun ekoran sikap boros dan ingin bermegah kerajaan UMNO BN melaksanakan projek mega yang tiada faedahnya.

Selain belanjawan defisit, sejumlah RM28 bilion wang rakyat lesap begitu saja ekoran penyelewengan dan rasuah pemimpin bangsat UMNO pada 2010. Di era Mahathir saja, RM100 bilion wang negara lesap. RM200 bilion di zaman Pak Lah. Dan tak taulah berapa ratus bilion pula di zaman Najib Rosmah laknatullah.

Baru-baru ini dilaporkan sejumlah RM888 bilion wang panas telah dibawa lari keluar dari Malaysia sepanjang tempoh 9 tahun. Dari 2000 hingga 2008.

Secara kasarnya, jumlah wang negara yang lesap ialah RM 1.188 trilion (RM 1,188,000,000,000)

Negara kita kaya dengan petroleum, sawit, getah dan pelbagai macam hasil bumi, tapi mengapa kita semua terus terbeban dengan kenaikan harga minyak dan barangan keperluan dalam keadaan pendapatan isi rumah statik malah ada yang menguncup.

Mengapa Arab Saudi yang hanya bergantung kepada hasil petroleum tapi masih mampu mengekalkan harga Petrol RON95 pada kadar 48 sen seliter dan 54 sen untuk RON97. Jumlah penduduk negara itu lebih kurang Malaysia juga. Sekitar 26 juta orang saja. Tiada cukai pendapatan, cukai kenderaan dan lain-lain.

Setelah segala kekayaan negara ini dirompak dan dibelanja semahunya oleh para pemimpin rakus UMNO BN hingga Malaysia terpaksa menanggung hutang beratus bilion, kemudian rakyat dipaksa menerima keputusan kerajaan menaikkan harga minyak setiap tahun.

Layakkah dipanggil pemimpin negara ni? Bagi penulis, pemimpin yang sedang menerajui negara hari ini bukan manusia tapi iblis yang bertopengkan manusia. Malah lebih jahat dari pemimpin Zionis Yahudi.

Di mana maruah kita sebagai rakyat?

Sampai bila kita nak jadi rakyat yang dungu hingga tak mampu berfikir secara rasional? Sampai bila kita mahu membiarkan diri ditakut-takutkan dengan ugutan seperti hilang kerja, kena pindah, hilang pencen, anak tak dapat biasiswa dan bermacam lagi ugutan yang dilakukan oleh rejim UMNO yang semakin takut kehilangan kuasa.

Sedarkah kita segala ugutan itu dibuat kerana pemimpin UMNO BN takut hilang kuasa ekoran segala dosa penyelewengan, rasuah dan jenayah yang dilakukan selama ini. Mereka takut didakwa.

Malangnya yang bodoh kita sendiri. Tak pasal-pasal kita boleh dihantui satu perasaan takut yang tak berasas. Sementelah pula UMNO dah buat MoU dengan iblis. Dan Iblis bersetuju untuk bekerjasama dengan mengarahkan tenteranya di kalangan jin dan syaitan mendatangkan was-was ke dalam dada rakyat yang dungu agar terus setia mengundi BN.

Macamana penulis tak kata bodoh sebab yang memilih mereka jadi pemimpin kita, lepas tu kita pulak takut dengan mereka. Patutnya pemimpin yang kena takut pada rakyat sebab kuasa rakyat boleh menjatuhkan mereka yang menyeleweng.

Sedihnya kat Malaysia ni pelik sikit sebab rakyatnya bebal politik, khususnya Melayu Bumiputera. Sebab itulah pemimpin UMNO bebas melakukan apa saja termasuk rasuah dan jenayah.

Tak tahulah bila agaknya golongan Melayu Bumiputera yang dok jadi ahli dan penyokong UMNO ni nak sedar? Mungkin ketika negara dah bankrap nanti?

Ayuh kita gulingkan BN dalam PRU nanti.

MACC must take responsibility for Beng Hock’s death, says family

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 27 — The family of Teoh Beng Hock said today that they wanted anti-graft officers to take responsibility for his death, and demanded the prime minister increase the size of a royal panel formed yesterday to include members they have proposed.

In a statement today, Beng Hock’s sister Lee Lan insisted that as her brother died in the custody of the MACC, “personnel within the government agency should take responsibility for his death.”

Lee Lan (picture) said that her family was “puzzled” why none of the names they proposed were appointed to the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) announced by Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday.

“It is regrettable that the prime minister did not consult us nor accept the proposals made jointly by 126 NGOs before he announced the names of the commissioners,” she said in a statement on behalf of the family

Among the nominees proposed were former national police chief Tun Hanif Omar, former Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, former Court of Appeal judge NH Chan and former Deputy Prime minister Tun Musa Hitam.

Lee Lan said that while her family was comforted by the RCI probe into Beng Hock’s death, they urged the prime minister to now increase the panel to nine members to include these candidates.

Beng Hock, the political secretary to Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah, was found dead outside the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office in Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam on July 16, 2009, after being interrogated overnight by its officials.

Najib had announced the RCI on January 7 to look into MACC’s investigative methods and the Attorney-General has applied to revise coroner Azmil Muntapha Abas’s verdict, which ruled out both suicide and homicide in Beng Hock’s death.

He had then said the RCI would have “specific” terms of reference and would not be expanded to include a probe into how the 30-year-old DAP political aide had plunged to his death.

This, said Najib, was because the law stipulated that investigations into a person’s cause of death should be carried out through the coroner’s office.

The family also expressed its hope today that after the three-month investigation by the RCI, it will provide “a clear and satisfactory answer” as opposed to what they called 18 months of “futile inquest proceedings” in the coroner’s court which delivered the “open verdict” that Lee Lan has previously called “meaningless.”

“The royal commission must carry out in-depth investigations, for example, investigating what actually caused the neck injury on Beng Hock and the many contradictory testimonies of MACC officers,” Lee Lan said.

- malaysianinsider

PAS berpeluang menang jika 75% keluar mengundi

Calon PAS berpeluang merampas kerusi DUN Tenang jika sekurang-kurangnya 75 peratus pemilih berdaftar keluar mengundi dalam pilihan raya kecil Ahad ini, kata ketua penerangan PAS Johor, Mazlan Aliman.

Katanya, berdasarkan beberapa perkembangan baru yang diperolehinya, calon PAS serta jentera Pakatan Rakyat berjaya mendapat reaksi “positif” khususnya di kawasan perkampungan tradisi dan di masyarakat Felda yang sebelum ini sukar ditembusi.

Kampung tradisi yang terdapat di DUN Tenang adalah Kampung Redong, Air Panas dan Kampung Tenang.

“Di kampung tradisi kita mengambil pendekatan 'sentuhan peribadi'. Oleh kerana rumah di kampung tradisi tidak banyak, ia lebih mudah untuk kita terus berjumpa dengan pengundi.

“Perkampungan tradisi tidak terikat dengan badan-badan tertentu. Persepsi mereka berubah tentang PAS yang dikatakan sebagai kumpulan radikal atau ekstrem. Jadi mereka melihat kita berbeza.

“Kita berkampung di sana dan bahkan bila adanya kematian, mereka menyuruh kita memimpin tahlil,” katanya ketika ditemui Malaysiakini selepas satu sidang media.

Mazlan berkata calon PAS Normala Sudirman berjaya mendapat respons positif dari pengundi di Kampung Payah Merah – tempat tinggal calon BN, Mohd Azahar Ibrahim (atas, kanan).

Cikgu Mala disambut baik

Katanya, daripada 60 orang pengundi yang ditemuinya, mereka menyambut baik kehadiran calon PAS yang lebih dikenali dengan Cikgu Mala dan ada di antara mereka mempelawa masuk ke dalam rumah.

Mazlan yang juga ahli jawatankuasa PAS Pusat bagaimanapun menyuarakan kebimbangannya apabila pihaknya berhadapan dengan kekangan iaitu kesukaran pengundi Melayu dan Cina pulang ke kampung.

Ini kerana, mereka perlu berulang disebabkan tarikh pengundian 30 Januari diselangi dengan sambutan Tahun Baru Cina tiga hari selepas itu.

Sehubungan itu pihaknya kini sedang memikirkan starategi untuk merangsang pengundi Cina dan Melayu untuk pulang mengundi pada 30 Januari ini.

Ditanya mengenai strategi PAS untuk menarik lebih ramai pengundi di ketiga-tiga Felda – Felda Tenang, Felda Chempelak, dan Felda Chempelak Barat – beliau berkata PAS memasuki fasa terakhir bagi menarik kumpulan tersebut.

Katanya, fasa pertama dilalui sejak penamaan calon sehingga hari ini, pihaknya mengadakan siri ceramah dan dialog dengan membarisi tokoh Pakatan Rakyat dan peguam memberi penerangan mengenai isu semasa termasuk isu-isu Felda.

“Fasa terakhir ini kita fahamkan supaya mereka ada keberanian (untuk menuntut) apa yang mereka mahukan. Kita lontarkan isu berbangkit supaya mereka tahu apa komitmen kerajaan,” katanya.

Sehubungan itu, pihaknya kini menggiatkan kempen bertemu pengundi di kedai kopi atau gelanggang futsal dan memberi penerangan dalam ceramah kelompok mengenai isu berbangkit di Felda.

“Nampaknya pendekatan ini lebih positif supaya mereka lebih memahami (mengenai isu tesebut). Ada di antara mereka tidak tahu hak mereka sebagai warga Felda,” katanya.

- malaysiakini

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'Gelombang Tunisia' merebak ke Mesir

Bermula dengan Revolusi Islam Iran pada 1979, diikuti kebangkitan rakyat Palestin bersama Hamas melancarkan Intifadhah pada 1986, juga kejayaan parti AKP Turki mengambil-alih tampuk pemerintahan negara sekaligus membebaskan rakyatnya dari cengkaman dan fahaman sekular sesat, disusuli kejayaan Hizbullah di Lubnan menghalau tentera Israel pada 2006, dan hari ini kita menyaksikan sendiri kebangkitan rakyat terus berlaku di mana saja. Yang terkini berlaku di Tunisia hingga tergulingnya pemerintahan 23 tahun rejim zalim Presiden Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Tanpa diduga revolusi di Tunisia ini telah menular ke Timur Tengah dengan pantas.

Semalam, berlaku pula demonstrasi anti-kerajaan di Kahirah, Mesir. Ribuan rakyat dari seluruh pelusuk negara telah datang ke ibu negara itu untuk menyertai himpunan terbesar sejak 2005. Mereka berhimpun atas satu tujuan. Yaitu mahu menggulingkan Presiden Hosni Mubarak yang telah berkuasa lebih 3 dekad.

Dilaporkan demonstrasi luarbiasa ini adalah antara yang terbesar pernah berlaku di Mesir sejak himpunan rakyat 2003 menentang perang Iraq dan himpunan menuntut pilihanraya bebas dan reformasi masyarakat.

Dua orang awam dan seorang anggota polis terkorban bila berlaku pertempuran antara kedua belah pihak. Rakyat hilang sabar bila pihak polis bertindak ganas menembak mereka dengan gas pemedih mata, peluru getah dan meriam air.

Hari ini pemimpin liga Arab yang menjadi talibarut Washington mula bimbang dengan senario kebangkitan rakyat di Tunisia telah merebak pantas ke rantau Timur Tengah.

Penulis percaya gelombang kebangkitan rakyat ini akan berterusan dan merebak ke seluruh dunia Islam khususnya.

Persoalannya, adakah rakyat Malaysia masih rela diperbodohkan, dizalimi dan ditindas oleh kerajaan kurap UMNO BN yang telah berkuasa lebih setengah abad?

Jika rakyat Tunisia boleh melakukannya dan rakyat Mesir telah bangkit, mengapa kita tidak ?

Ayuhhh, kita gulingkan kerajaan kurap UMNO BN dalam PRU13.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Iran Foils Zionist Mossad Scheme to Sabotage Iranian Nuclear Program

The list of scientists assassination goes on, where the Zionist Mossad has assassinated some of the major nuclear scientists in the Arab countries. Of these scientists for example, is the Egyptian Nuclear scientist Samira Moussa, who made a study on stopping the power countries' domination over the possession of nuclear weapons, and reached a result where an atomic bomb could be provided in all the countries of the world.

The Zionist Mossad assassinations continue as more scientists are targeted including Egyptian Scientist Yahya Al Mashhad, who followed up the Iraqi nuclear program, and scientist Saeed Sayyed Bdeir, who came up with 13 scientific studies over satellite moons.

Furthermore, the Mossad assassinated the Lebanese scientist Rammal Hassan Rammal, who was considered to be one of the most important physicians in the 20th century.

Another Egyptian nuclear scientist, Mostafa Msharfa, was also assassinated by the Mossad, and was one of Albert Einstein's students, and one of his assistants who helped him reach the theory of relativity.

In this context, the Mossad has been apparently responsible for most of the assassinations of the scientists in the Arab and Islamic world, in addition to the disappearance of several others.

On another hand, there is also the Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qader Khan, known as the "Father of the Pakistani Nuclear Bomb", was spiritually devastated after being set to house arrest due to a judiciary sentence caused by the western powers.

Zionist attempts to jeopardize the capabilities of the entire nation continue, and recently, a western Zionist scheme was revealed, which aims at sabotaging the Iranian peaceful nuclear program.

This was sought through pursuing Iranian nuclear scientists, kidnapping them, and terminating them, and this comes after the west's failure in sabotaging the nuclear program.

On this level, Iran has recently announced it has revealed the veil off a Zionist espionage network, which was discovered to be responsible for the assassination of Iranian Nuclear scientist Masoud Ali Mohammadi a year ago.

On another hand, the recent years revealed the intensity of the effect of the enemy's strategic firms within the Arab and Islamic countries, especially after several Zionist Mossad networks were revealed in Lebanon.

Furthermore, the Dubai police what capable of revealing the Mossad network that conducted the Hamas leader assassination, Mahmoud Al Mabhouh, also the Egyptian authorities were able to arrest the Egyptian espionage agent Tareq Abdul Razek for working for the "Israeli" enemy .

This revelation took the Egyptian authorities years of monitoring, leading to other revelations of three "Israeli" espionage networks in Syria and Lebanon.

Although Egypt has signed a compromise convention with the Zionist entity, the Egyptian national security was included in the Zionist intelligence violations, in addition to other espionage operations.

The following are several Zionist Mossad breaches in Egypt:

In 1985, Egypt declared the arrest of an espionage network of 9 Mossad members.

In August 1986, another espionage network was arrested, where many of its members were employees in the "Israeli" Academic Center in Cairo, in addition to a US woman who worked in the US Aid Committee.

The Egyptian security firms found some video recordings and photos, in addition to a studio including a broadcast and receiving station.

It was later revealed that these photos were taken for Egyptian army units during night time using laser beams.

In the late 1986, four espionage agents were arrested in Sharm Al Sheikh.

In 1987, an espionage network was revealed, regulated by tourists while visiting in Sharm Al Sheikh.

In 1990, security firms arrested Ibrahim Mosbah Awara for taking part with a Zionist intelligence general in instigating the Egyptian girl, Sahar, into triggering conflict against Egypt.
Sahar had refused to spy on her country, and informed Egyptian security firms of the attempts to recruit her for the "Israelis".

The "Israeli" agent was then arrested and was sentenced to 15 years of prison.

In 1992, Al Masrati network, including 4 agents collapsed. The members were Sobhi Masrati and his children Majed and Faeika, in addition to another agent named David Ovits.

Faeika Masrati confessed in the investigations that the Mossad recruited her to work for them two years earlier through David Ovits, who took part in training her on how to gather information about military and strategic targets, in addition to general figures in Egypt.

There is no doubt that the Zionist enemy's espionage networks are falling apart like domino rocks in Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Dubai, and other countries.

Amir Moussawi : Zionist Enemy was Surprised of Iranian Development in Revealing its Espionage Networks

In this context, the Iranian Strategic Expert Amir Moussawi confirmed that revealing the Zionist espionage network in Iran came in an early stage.

He also referred that this network had a dangerous and broad scheme working in accordance with an agenda special for the Iranian nuclear program, the nuclear scientists, and the missile defense system in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Moussawi referred that the Zionist entity was surprised with the revelation of its networks after it spent great amounts of money to spy on Iran through its neighboring countries, in order to sabotage the Iran's nuclear program and missile defense system.

Furthermore, Amir Moussawi clarified that the US and "Israel" were incapable of attacking Iranian targets due to the Iranian forces' readiness, and that is why they decided to spy on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In an interview with, Moussawi referred that these networks were put into action between Iran and Arab countries to conduct sabotaging operations, in addition to espionage operations to gather information on Iran.

In this context, The Iranian Strategic expert stated that Iran was capable of purchasing evident documents that confirm that the Mossad and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the US had a hand in the revealed espionage network.

According to Moussawi, these espionage networks worked accurately and in a highly developed status, yet the Iranian forces proved-on another hand-high development, and were capable of discovering these networks.

Moussawi added that "Israel" knows that Iranian human capabilities are very high, clarifying that what Iran reached in its nuclear program and military defense system, was dependent on the Iranian scientists.

Amir Moussawi stated that Iran did not exploit any foreign expert, which is why the Zionist enemy and the US administration are still incapable of knowing details regarding the Iranian nuclear development.

Moussawi referred to the reasons of the "Israeli" and US irritation in light of little information present regarding the Iranian nuclear program:

1- The Enormity of the Iranian Nuclear Program

2- Iran not exploiting foreign nuclear experts and depending on Iranian nuclear experts

3- Being incapable of gathering information from the inside of Iran

Amir Moussawi referred that the Zionist enemy must be frustrated for its failure in purchasing any information, adding that the enemy was surprised for an unexpected event, which it the developed capability of the Iranian forces in revealing the espionage networks.

Hicham Jaber : Zionist Espionage Networks Collapsed like Dominos Rocks

On his part, Head of Middle East Center for Studies and Public Relations, Major General Hicham Jaber believed that the intelligence issue is very important, and lies on top of the Zionist enemy's priorities.

On this level, Maj. Gen. Jaber referred that despite that "Israel" had before aced its espionage system, yet it discovered after the July 2006 war that it needed many accurate information, and this resulted in its defeat against the resistance, as proved in to Winograd report.

Jaber clarified that "Israel" used all developed technical methods to spy on Lebanon, including the latest networks revealed in Sanin and Barouk, in addition to espionage attempts against the resistance's telecoms network.

Maj. Gen. Jaber said the "Israeli" enemy used phone wiretapping, reconnaissance planes, in addition to recruiting agents capable of gathering more information about their targets.

Maj. Gen. Hicham Jaber confirmed that the espionage agents arrested in Lebanon collapsed like domino rocks, referring that there are still many other unrevealed espionage networks in the country.

In an interview with, Jaber clarified that revealing the veil off the Mossad agents represents a big loss for the Mossad.

He also stressed that the resistance in Lebanon is a major target for the Zionist intelligence, adding that the enemy aims through spying, at preventing further defeat in any upcoming war.
Regarding the espionage networks in Iran, Jaber confirmed that there is no possibility for no one to spy on Iran.

Jaber referred that intelligence members usually exploit the occupation of a journalist, a reporter, or a businessman, but it is not easy for "Israeli" or western espionage networks to break into Iran.

""Israel" does not dare to install espionage networks in the Islamic Republic of Iran, that is why it exploits other countries for this aim", Maj. Gen. Jaber said.

Regarding the presence of Mossad networks in Iraq, Jaber referred that Iraq is a country opened for the Zionists due to the US occupation.

He clarified that many of the espionage networks present in Iraq not only gather information, but also conduct military and assassination operations, in addition to triggering sectarian conflicts.

Hicham Jaber added that "Israel" is aiming at dividing Sudan since the Bin Gurion government in 1955, and has recently achieved its goal.

Head of Middle East Center for Studies and Public Relations referred that Egypt is full of Zionist espionage networks due to its acceptance of the "Israeli" enemy.

Jaber also revealed that there are some agents that enter the Egyptian territories through the Zionist Embassy in Egypt, considering that revealing the "Israeli" espionage networks by the Egyptian firms has political aims.

Maj. Gen. Hicham Jaber said that "Israel" aims at spying on Egypt until achieving peace with it, because it believes that Egypt could be an enemy any second.

Tahsin Halabi : Zionist Mossad is Incapable of Conducting any War in the Region

On his part, Syrian Expert in Zionist affairs, Tahsin Halabi confirmed in an interview with, that the collapse of the "Israeli" espionage networks represents a big slap in the face of the "Israeli" Mossad.

He added, "Especially in the face of former Mossad Chief Maeir Dagan, who "Israel" considers as the most successful Mossad Chief, yet he has left his position after great failure before and during the July 2006 war".

Halabi referred that the "Israeli" enemy's defeat back then was a defeat for the Zionist Mossad, because the information purchased by the "Israeli" army was handed in by the Mossad.

According to Halabi, after 2006 and following years, many failing operations conducted by the Zionist espionage system could be mentioned.

Of these operations, Halabi referred to the Dubai operation, where the aim was not to assassinate Al Mabhouh, but it was to kidnap him.

"The other face of this operation's failure was the revelation of 27 Mossad members", Halabi stated.

He added that Dagan lost 27 men of his finest, because after their identity is revealed they are discharged from service.

On the level of "Israeli" espionage in Iran, and assassinating nuclear scientists, Tahsin Halabi referred that not only Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria are subject to the "Israeli" aggressions, but they also include the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Halabi said it is normal to witness the revelation of "Israeli" espionage network in Iran, especially that the "Israeli" enemy has made efforts to have access to be an insider in Iran.

Halabi confirmed that any scheme for another "Israeli" aggression on Gaza or against the resistance in Lebanon will have negative results on the spirits of the Zionist generals, saying that this will lead to shaking the trust between the Mossad and the Zionist occupying army.

Expert in Zionist affairs said that the Mossad has witnessed its biggest failure in the Teshreen (October) War, where it failed to present any stance or information about the war launched by Egypt and Syria against "Israel".

Halabi referred that it [Teshreen War] led to the shaking of trust between the enemy army and the Mossad intelligence.

Ahmad Shaaban : "Israel" Spies on Egypt Despite so-called "Peace Agreement"

On another hand, Egyptian Political Analyst Ahmad Bahaa Al Dine Shaaban referred in an interview with that the major indication of revealing the Zionist espionage networks in Egypt, is that the Zionist entity considers this country as a major enemy, and will not hesitate in breaching its borders or security.

Shaaban added that spying on Egypt despite the so-called "Peace Agreement" with "Israel", confirms that "Israel" does not put any standard to its breaches.

He added that "Israel" considers Egypt as a major foe in the region, and is working on gathering information to recruit agents to work for it against the country.

Shaaban called upon Arab countries and regimes, stressing on the importance of being aware from this enemy, in addition to installing plans to reveal its violations against the nation.

The Political Analyst added that the problem today lies in some Arab countries that claim the importance of accepting peace with the Zionist enemy, adding that therefore, these countries appear to be easygoing with the enemy, and are not serious in confronting it.

From Al Intiqad by Ali Matar

Teresa Kok Slams MCA and Gerakan Leaders Over Handshake Issues

Shah Alam – Seputeh MP Teresa Kok rushed to defend candidate for Tenang by-election, Normala Sudirman – affectionately known as Cikgu Mala – over her refusal to shake the hands with males who are not related to her. The gutsy DAP leader condemned MCA personalities including its President, Dr. Chua Soi Lek and his won Tee Yong, Vice-President Ng Yen Yen, Fong Chan Onn and Gerakan leader Tan Lian Hoe for negatively playing up Cikgu Mala’s choice not to shake hands, which reveal “that they are extremists of their own kind and expose 1Malaysia for the sham that it is.”

“By making such remarks, these MCA and Gerakan leaders reveal their own religious bigotry and intolerance for religious practices different from their own. Their insistence that Normala should deny her faith, remove her gloves and shake hands with all is most disrespectful and is akin to insisting that a vegetarian must consume meat”, Kok continues.

She went on to categorically list down the instances when the MCA and Gerakan leaders played up on the isusue. Chua senior was castigated for allegedly spreading the lie that “non-handshaking is a PAS requirement when it is in fact a Muslim religious restriction that is also practiced by Muslim members of UMNO.”

Kok even singled out tweets by younger Chua, “candidate normal is wearg glove n assistant is shakg hand on her behalf. She will definitely claims it is health or personal reason”, and that of Fong Chan Onn who twitted “What happens if (Normala) saw a male knocked down by car. Will she go n help lift him??” and “Not shake hand is only 1st step to seperation, next will b no male n female in same hall etc etc”.

Also mentioned was Gerakan Wanita chief Tan Lian Hoe who said “Not only men, but when she shakes hands with women, she also needs to wear gloves. This is not friendly. It's as if she thinks our hands are dirty."

“It is disgraceful that these MCA and Gerakan leaders are spreading religious bigotry and fear as a tactic to win votes for Barisan Nasional in the Tenang by-election. In doing so, they insult the intelligence of Tenang voters and all upright Malaysians,” said Kok.

In campaigning for the Tenang by-election, MCA had resorted to its often tried but lately unproven tactic of spooking the Chinese electorate on PAS’ Islamic state agenda, including implementation of hudud laws and ban on the sale of alcohol.

Cikgu Mala’s “handshake” issue refuses to die down, and MCA president Chua Soi Lek has even defied a directive from Deputy Minister Muhyiddin Yassin made to the media to stop harbouring on what is essentially an issue concerning the private and religious choice of the PAS candidate.

Unfazed, the former MP for Labis, of which Tenang is part of, continued to assert his bold and straight talking style.

“As a Chinese-based party, it is my duty and I’ll be failing in my duty and mCA would be failing in its duty if we don’t explain to Chinese the true agenda of PAS because Hadi Wang has said this very clearly,” Chua explained.

“I have been in the public life for many years. It’s part of the basic culture and manners to shake hands.,” he added.

When asked about the fact that it was Cikgu Mala’s preference he quipped, “What is so great about that? That is your religious value which I don’t know. How am I to know about the religious values when I’m not practising that religion?”

The strategy appears to gain little traction among the Chinese voters that make up 39% of the Tenang electorate, particularly the young. Many Chinese cite the issue as petty, preferring the candidates to look into issues such as rampant corruption, education opportunities and ease of doing business.

- malaysianmirror

Mustaffa Kamil pula terima surat tunjuk sebab

KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Jan — Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) kelihatan memulakan awal tahun 2011 dengan menggerakkan tindakan mendisiplinkan parti komponen Pakatan Rakyat itu — kali ini memberikan surat tunjuk sebab kepada bekas calon timbalan presiden, Mustaffa Kamil Ayub.

Bekas pengerusi PRK Perak ini, yang pernah dilihat sebagai ‘orang kesayangan’ Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, mengesahkan sudah menerima surat tunjuk sebab tengah hari semalam.

“Ia disampaikan ke peti surat rumah saya di Kota Damansara pada pukul 12 tengah hari tadi (semalam),” kata beliau kepada The Malaysian Insider.

Bagaimanapun Mustaffa enggan memberikan maklumat lanjut mengenai kandngan surat itu.

“Saya hanya dua perkara untuk dikatakan, pertama, saya ada menerima surat tunjuk sebab daripada parti hari ini dan kedua, saya tidak mahu memberi komen,” kata beliau.

Beliau juga enggan berkata sama ada akan respons kepada surat itu.

The Malaysian Insider difahamkan ia kemungkinan ada kaitan dengan kritikan dan pendirian beliau berhubung proses pemilihan partinya tahun lalu.

Selain beberapa kenyataan mengkritik proses pemilihan beliau juga pernah memberikan kata dua 48 jam kepada pucuk kepimpinan agar membatal dan mengadakan semula proses pengundian.

Ketika dihubungi, Setiausaha Agung PKR Saifuddin Nasution Ismail tidak dapat mengesahkan sama ada parti ada mengeluarkan surat tunjuk sebab kepada Mustaffa.

Bagaimanapun beliau ada membayangkan bahawa parti ada mengeluarkan surat tunjuk sebab kepada lebih daripada seorang pemimpin.

“Saya menandatangani lebih seratus surat tunjuk sebab. Saya tidak boleh ingat sama ada Mustaffa Kamil salah seorang daripada mereka.

“Hubungi saya esok dan saya boleh berikan gambaran sebenar,” kata beliau kepada The Malaysian Insider.

Mustaffa tewas dalam pemilihan itu yang turut ditandingi Datuk Zaid Ibrahim tetapi menarik diri di peringkat awal atas alasan proses pengundian ada kepincangan.

Persaingan itu dimenangi oleh Azmin Ali.

Awal tahun ini PKR juga memberikan surat tunjuk sebab 45 muka surat kepada Ahli Parlimen Padang Serai N. Gobalakrishnan, salah seorang calon naib presiden yang gagal.

- malaysianinsider

Pemikiran Lee Kuan Yew telah luput tarikh - Nasrudin Tantawi

Saat dunia dan seluruh tokohnya bersidang serata dunia mencari formula penyelesaian terhadap konflik yang mencetus huru hara kepada dunia serta penghuninya, saya sangat kesal dengan sikap Lee Kuan Yew yang telah menyemarakkan lagi semangat dendam kesumat dan permusuhan yang tebal terhadap Islam dan ummatnya dengan prasangka-prasangka negatif tanpa berasaskan maklumat tepat mengenai Islam yang sebenar.

Buku terbarunya “Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going” menampilkan pemikiran Lee Kuan Yew yang telah luput tarikh dan zaman apabila beliau mengaitkan Islam sebagai halangan kepada untuk mewujudkan integrasi kaum dan pembangunan di negaranya.

Saya melihat zaman kegemilangan Lee Kuan Yew telah berakhir apabila beliau selaku tokoh negarawan besar Asia bahkan dunia telah mula berfikir seperti pejuang militan yang rasis dan mengalami penyakit Islamophobia yang parah . Biarpun beliau begitu lama hidup dekat dengan komuniti ummat Islam, ternyata beliau masih gagal melihat secara positif bagaimana Islam dan ummatnya menjalani kehidupan dan menyertai politik mahupun ekonomi.

Tokoh sebijak Lee Kuan Yew sepatutnya tidak tergesa-gesa membuat kesimpulan mengenai Islam yang mungkin dilihat melalui kacamata yang salah dan serong tanpa terlebih dahulu merujuk kepada tokoh-tokoh ulama’ Islam sebagai pihak yang berauthoriti untuk menjelaskan kedudukan Islam dan ummatnya secara tepat dan benar.

Lee Kuan Yew selayaknya menyedari bahawa penghalang sebenar kepada keharmonian kaum sehingga mencetus sentimen perkauman yang melampau malah mendorong berlakunya jenayah adalah hasil dari penolakan agama Islam atau salah faham yang serius terhadap agama Islam.

Justeru Islam adalah agama yang sangat toleransi kaum dan menghubungkan silaturrahim. Definisi mudah mengenai ajaran Islam ini boleh difahami dari kenyataan Duta Besar Islam ke Habsyah Saiyyidina Jaafar bin Abi Talib dihadapan Raja Najasyi:

Wahai Raja, kami dahulunya orang-orang Jahiliyyah. Kami menyembah berhala, memakan bangkai, melakukan kekejian [zina], memutuskan ikatan kekeluargaan, jahat terhadap jiran dan orang yang kuat dari kalangan kami akan menindas orang yang lemah. kami terus dalam keadaan begitu, sehingga lah Allah membangkitkan kepada kami Rasul dari kalangan kami. Kami kenal titisan keluarganya, sifat benarnya, amanahnya dan bersihnya dari melakukan dosa.

Lalu ia mengajak kami kepada Allah, supaya mengEsakanNya dan menyembahNya, meninggalkan apa yang disembah oleh kami dan nenek moyang kami sebelum ini akan patung-patung dan berhala.

Ia menyuruh kami bercakap benar, menunaikan amanah, menghubungkan tali kekeluargaan, berbaik dengan jiran, meninggalkan perkara yang haram, dan meninggalkan pertumpahan darah. Ia melarang kami dari kekejian [zina], bercakap bohong, memakan harta anak yatim dan menuduh perempuan yang bersih dengan tuduhan zina.

Ia menyuruh kami menyembah Allah Tuhan yang Maha Esa dengan tidak mempersekutukanNya dengan suatu yang lain. Ia menyuruh kami mendirikan sembahyang, mengeluarkan zakat dan berpuasa …

Kenyataan diatas jelas menunjukkan bagaimana orientasi ajaran Islam. Berpegang teguh atau komited dengan ajaran ini tidak menjadikan masyarakat berpecah belah apalagi terperangkap dalam permusuhan dan perkauman sempit yang mencetus huru hara. Sebaliknya Islam menganjurkan kebaikan dan persaudaraan.

Sayugianya Lee Kuan Yew menyeru ummat Islam berpegang teguh dengan ajaran Islam yang dianuti oleh mereka agar lahirnya sebuah masyarakat yang sejahtera, harmonis dan membangun. Cara Lee Kuan Yew melihat Islam sebagai penghalang tidak ubah seperti musuh-musuh Islam melihat Islam dengan api dendam dan permusuhan yang berpanjangan.

Lebih ketara apabila Lee Kuan Yew turut menaruh rasa curiga yang mendalam terhadap negara jirannya seperti Malaysia dan Indonesia sebagai sebuah negara Islam yang akan mengugat kedaulatan negaranya. Cara fikir dan sikap yang diambil oleh Lee Kuan Yew adalah suatu yang berisiko tinggi bagi keselamatan serantau ini. Malah ianya adalah fikiran yang aktif ke arah mencetus konfrantasi laksana gunung berapi yang aktif sedang menanti masa untuk memuntahkan lavanya.

Saya mewakili Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia menggesa supaya Lee Kuan Yew lebih banyak mengkaji Islam dan mempelajarinya dari tokoh Islam yang mempunyai authoriti untuk membetulkan persepsi beliau terhadap Islam.

[Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia bersedia untuk memberi penjelasan mengenai Islam kepada Lee Kuan Yew andai diberi peluang untuk berbuat demikian.] Jika tidak,reputasi Lee Kuan Yew akan terus menjunam dan beliau semakin tidak popular sebaliknya dunia termasuk rantau ini sedang menumpu ke arah gaya, sikap dan pemikiran pemimpin-pemimpin muda yang dilihat oleh rata-rata penganalisis politik dan sosial sebagai lebih rasional dan efektif.

- malaysianinsider

Pakatan pelawa Najib sertai ‘debat agung’ bersama Anwar di Tenang

LABIS, 25 Jan — Pakatan Rakyat mempelawa Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk berdebat soal ekonomi mengenai Program 100 Hari Pakatan Rakyat di sini sempena kempen pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Tenang.

Pengarah Pilihan Raya PAS kerusi Tenang Salahuddin Ayub berkata, pilihan raya kecil yang berlangsung sekarang adalah medan terbaik untuk “debat agung” antara dua tokoh utama negara iaitu Najib dan Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“Datuk Seri Anwar telah mengumumkan program 100 hari Pakatan Rakyat namun dikecam hebat oleh pihak kerajaan Umno-Barisan Nasional (BN) yang didahului Perdana Menteri (Najib) dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin).

“Pelbagai kecaman dan tuduhan jahat termasuk negara akan bankrap seandainya Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih Putrajaya, ternyata Perdana Menteri dan timbalannya sekadar mampu buat tuduhan dan menakutkan-nakutkan rakyat.

“Maka kami jentera pilihan raya PAS-Pakatan Rakyat bersedia memberikan pentas bebas dan wibawa serta ruang seluasnya bagi kedua-dua pemimpin ini meyakinkan rakyat dengan penghujahan ‘Mengapa Pakatan Rakyat atau BN Yang Wajar di sokong rakyat,” katanya di sini.

Naib Presiden PAS itu berkata, Najib tidak wajar menolak pelawaan itu kerana rakyat khususnya pengundi di Tenang perlu mendapatkan maklumat dan informasi terhadap urus tadbir negara.

“Datuk (Seri) Najib tidak wajar menolak undangan kami ini, beliau tidak mempunyai pilihan andainya beliau konsisten, berani dan tidak berdolak-dalik dalam komitmen.

“Beliau (Najib) jangan lari, saya rasa beliau tiada lagi hujah untuk tolak tawaran ini. Kalau takut nak guna perkataan debat kita tukar kepada sesi diskusi,” katanya.

Sebelum ini, Anwar mencabar Najib berdebat soal ekonomi mengenai Program 100 Hari Pakatan Rakyat, namun ditolak pengerusi BN itu.

Najib berkata Anwar tidak perlu bersusah payah memikirkan soal debat kononnya demi kebajikan rakyat kerana BN akan bertanggungjawab dalam memastikan soal kebajikan rakyat dipelihara.

Selasa lalu, Anwar sekali lagi mencabar Najib agar berdebat dengan beliau berhubung kedudukan ekonomi negara dan juga mengenai Buku Jingga Pakatan Rakyat dengan menulis surat secara formal.

Pada 19 Disember lalu, Pakatan Rakyat menawarkan Program 100 Hari yang terdiri daripada 10 inisiatif jika pihaknya mengambil alih Putrajaya dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13.

Dalam kempen pertama Anwar di Tenang, bekas timbalan perdana menteri itu mencabar Najib berdebat mengenai soal peribadi jika perdana menteri terus menyerang soal peribadinya dan tidak sanggup sentuh dasar ekonomi kedua-dua perikatan.

Gelanggang kempen kerusi DUN Tenang dibuka secara rasmi Sabtu lalu dengan menyaksikan persaingan satu lawan satu antara calon BN dan Pakatan Rakyat.

BN menurunkan Mohd Azahar Ibrahim iaitu bekas Penolong Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Kecil Rengit manakala PAS yang mewakili Pakatan Rakyat mencalonkan Ketua Dewan Muslimat Labis Normala Sudirman.

Dalam isu salam yang membabitkan Normala, Salahuddin berkata perkara itu bukan isu dan parti Islam itu tidak bimbang jika BN akan terus menggunakan isu tersebut.

“Ia bukan isu, malah dalam penggunaan sarung tangan ia bukan hanya Normala tetapi telah digunakan di peringkat antarabangsa.

“Kita tidak takut kalau BN akan gunakan itu itu (salam) dan negara Islam, saya percaya kalau BN tak guna isu ini mereka akan tetap gunakan isu agama,” katanya.

Kempen BN pada pilihan raya kecil Tenang dilihat memberikan tumpuan kepada cara bersalam Normala yang tidak bersalam dengan lelaki.

Kontroversi itu terlebih dahulu ditimbulkan Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek dan ia diikuti beberapa pemimpin MCA yang turut mempertikaikan pendekatan Normala itu.

- malaysianinsider

Hamas lambang kehebatan perjuangan Islam

KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Jan: Kejayaan parti Hamas menubuhkan kerajaan di Palestin jelas membuktikan perjuangan Islam di mana-mana sekali pun di dunia ini pasti akan mendapat kemenangan juga akhirnya, walaupun ditentang setiap masa dengan pelbagai cara oleh musuh-musuh Islam.

Hamas dan PAS merupakan parti yang mempunyai dasar perjuangan yang sama, namun cabaran yang dialami oleh para pejuang Hamas jauh lebih hebat berbanding pejuang-pejuang PAS di tanah air.

Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang berkata, kemenangan pejuang-pejuang Hamas di Gaza jelas berlaku kerana pertolongan Allah kepada mereka, di samping pertolongan sesama manusia di serata dunia.

Menurut beliau, Hamas dan pejuang-pejuangnya bukanlah parti dan nama-nama asing bagi PAS dan umat Islam di negara ini. Oleh itu, pelbagai pertolongan kepada mereka pasti akan terus dihulurkan dari semasa ke semasa.

"Hamas adalah parti Islam yang sama juga dengan PAS di Malaysia. Perjuangan para pejuang Hamas sememangnya memberikan pelbagai pengajaran kepada umat Islam lain.

"Mereka terpaksa menempuhi jalan amat sukar untuk menang, tetapi akhirnya mereka menang juga. Itu membuktikan bahawa perjuangan atas nama iman dan Islam pasti akan berjaya walaupun terpaksa menghadapi tentangan bukan sahaja daripada orang-orang kafir, tetapi pengkhianatan dari kalangan umat Islam sendiri," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas menyambut kedatangan rombongan wakil Kerajaan Hamas di Gaza yang dalam kunjungan mereka untuk menemui beliau di Pejabat Agung PAS, Jalan Raja Laut, di sini, hari ini.

Rombongan tersebut diketuai oleh Pengarah Besar Pejabat Perdana Menteri Kerajaan Hamas, Hani I. Y. Abu Owda, manakala anggota-anggota rombongannya pula terdiri daripada Muat Haniyyah yang juga anak kepada Perdana Menteri Ismail Haniyyah, Dr Mahmoud Z. M. El Madhoun yang juga Pengarah Besar Program Latihan Diplomasi, Rami J.H. Al Ghamri yang juga jurutera dan Read Abu Dayer yang juga pegawai di Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

Selain Abdul Hadi, turut menyambut mereka di Pejabat Agung PAS termasuklah Timbalan Presiden, Ustaz Nasharudin Mat Isa, AJK PAS Pusat, Dr Syed Azman Syed Ahmad Nawawi, Setiausaha Politik kepada Presiden PAS, Dr Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar, Setiausaha dan AJK Lajnah Antarabangsa PAS Pusat, Mohd Faiz Nawi dan Amran Al-Malizi.

Menurut Abdul Hadi, cabaran dan keperitan yang dialami oleh para pejuang Hamas, antara lain boleh dihalusi dengan cabaran yang dialami oleh para pejuang Hizbullah di Lubnan yang menyaksikan kegagalan musuh Islam dan pihak sekular, walaupun mereka terpaksa berhadapan dengan tentangan hebat pihak musuh yang menggunakan senjata canggih.

"Kita amat sedih apabila ramai pemimpin dan pejuang-pejuang Hizbullah di Lubnan seperti Hassan Al-Bana akhirnya ditangkap akibat pengkhianatan umat Islam sendiri. Sesudah itu, golongan sekular pula yang mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan.

"Namun akhirnya terbukti juga, golongan sekular tetap gagal. Yang berjaya adalah perjuangan Islam seperti yang berlaku di Gaza sekarang," katanya.

Apa yang berlaku di Gaza itu, katanya, sewajarnya diambil pengajaran oleh setiap pihak terutama umat Islam sendiri bagi memperkuatkan iman masing-masing agar perjuangan Islam jangan sampai dikhianati umat Islam sendiri.

Sehubungan itu, beliau menyarankan agar seluruh umat Islam sedar dengan kelebihan perjuangan Islam itu sendiri berbanding perjuangan-perjuangan atas nama-nama lain, bagi membolehkan semua pihak kembali bersatu atas nama iman dan Islam, sementara masih diberikan kesempatan hidup di dunia ini oleh Allah SWT.

- harakahdaily

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Guru diminta setia pada kerajaan kurap

Hari ini Muhyiddin Yasin kata eloklah guru setia pada kerajaan. Bukan sekadar guru malah semua kakitangan awam memang wajar setia pada kerajaan. Persoalannya, patutkah guru dan semua penjawat awam setia pada kerajaan yang korup dan zalim? Lihat saja bagaimana guru diugut dengan pelbagai cara agar tidak menyokong pembangkang. Ada yang dipindah jauh dari sekolah asal. Ada yang disekat kenaikan pangkat. Ada yang tidak disahkan dalam jawatan dan sebagainya. Adakah patut para guru setia pada kerajaan sedemikian rupa?

Sebagai bekas guru, penulis tak nafikan memang masih ramai golongan pendidik menghidap sawan takut pada UMNO. Bagi mereka nak buat apa cari susah mengundi pembangkang. Tak pasal-pasal kena pindah jauh. Pangkat tak naik. Kena tekanan dari pihak sekolah dan jabatan. Gaji macam tu juga. Ohhhh... jangan cari pasal.

Kalau nak ambil mudah, ada benar juga alasan sedemikian. Iyalah... hidup dah selesa dan bahagia dengan suami dan anak-anak. Ada rumah, kereta dan sedikit simpanan masa depan. Bila cuti, pergi bercuti dengan keluarga. Jadi, nak buat apa cari susah. Undi je BN. Payah sangat, tak payah mengundi lagi senang.

Inilah antara senario yang berlaku dalam masyarakat guru tanahair. Ada setengahnya langsung tak mahu ambil tahu pasal politik. Lantaklah situ. Yang penting dalam hidup ni buat duit sebab minda sudah terdidik dengan fikrah madiyyah. Money is everything. You can do anything with it.

Sewajarnya golongan educated seperti guru tidak bersikap sedemikian namun itulah hakikat yang berlaku. Bila tiada kesedaran politik di kalangan pendidik, bermakna semakin bermaharajalelalah pemerintah korup dan zalim.

Dan umum menyedari sejak UMNO ditubuhkan pada 1946, ramai di kalangan guru yang menjadi penggerak parti tajaan Inggeris itu dan memegang jawatan penting. UMNO sedar golongan pendidiklah yang memainkan peranan besar bagi melebarkan pengaruh parti. Bila ramai guru bersama UMNO, dengan sendirinya menambah keyakinan rakyat terhadap perjuangan parti itu. Perlu diakui komitmen para guru veteran mendidik anak bangsa memang dikagumi. Menjalankan tugas penuh dedikasi dan ikhlas. Sentiasa menjadi rujukan masyarakat setempat.

Justeru Najib dan Muhyiddin cukup bimbang jika golongan pendidik ini celik politik. Jumlah guru yang ada sekarang lebih kurang 450 ribu orang. Seandainya separuh dari jumlah ini bersama Pakatan Rakyat, sudah tentu UMNO berhadapan masalah besar di masa mendatang.

Kebimbangan dua pemimpin utama UMNO ini jelas bila mana Pakatan Rakyat berjanji akan menaikkan gaji guru sebanyak RM500 jika berjaya ke Putrajaya dalam PRU13. Najib sedar PR mampu melaksanakan janji tersebut. Untuk menyembunyikan keresahannya, Najib cuba memperbodohkan rakyat dengan mengatakan negara akan bankrap jika gaji guru dinaikkan RM500.

Najib menjadi semakin 'tak siuman' bila PR melancarkan Buku Jingga semasa Konvensyen II Pakatan Rakyat di P.Pinang pada 19 Disember lalu. Dalam buku tersebut, PR berjanji akan melaksanakan beberapa dasar demi kepentingan negara dan rakyat dalam masa 100 hari pertama pemerintahan.

Golongan pendidik sewajarnya ingat mereka semua ada anak dan cucu yang bakal mewarisi negara ini. Jangan hanya memandang kesenangan dan keselesaan hari ini tanpa memikirkan nasib generasi yang akan datang. Tiada gunanya kita meninggalkan harta bertimbun untuk anak cucu jika tanahair sendiri di ambang kemusnahan di segenap sudut.

Tidak cukup lagikah segala kebejatan sosial dan keruntuhan akhlak yang melanda pelajar dan generasi muda hari ini. Tidak terfikirkah di benak minda kita semua kenapa kehidupan hari ini semakin terbeban dengan segala macam kenaikan harga barangan sedangkan pendapatan tidak berubah.

Pernahkah kita buat pengiraan berapakah jumlah pendapatan kita hilang begitu saja dengan kenaikan beberapa kali harga minyak petrol. Ambil contoh semasa zaman Pak Lah di mana dalam setahun berlaku 3 kenaikan menggila dari RM1.35 kepada RM1.85 seliter.

Katakan semasa harga petrol RM1.35 seliter, setiap hari kita berbelanja sebanyak RM13.50 (10 liter petrol) untuk ke tempat kerja. Setelah harga naik kepada RM1.85 seliter, bermakna kita terpaksa membayar RM18.50 setiap hari untuk petrol. Di sini telah berlaku peningkatan kos tanggungan sebanyak RM5.00 sehari. Sebulan RM150.

Maksudnya RM150 hilang begitu saja ekoran kenaikan tersebut. Berapa pula jumlahnya jika setahun? RM1,800. Ini baru kenaikan harga petrol. Dan berapa pula kos tambahan yang terpaksa ditanggung dengan kenaikan harga gas masak, gula, tepung dan barang keperluan asas yang lain.

Perlu disedari bahawa kadar kenaikan gaji di Malaysia adalah yang terendah di rantau Asean. Hanya 2.9 peratus setahun berbanding 4.8 peratus di Indonesia pada masa ini.

Di sudut ekonomi, pendapatan rakyat menguncup dengan kenaikan tersebut. Bila pendapatan menguncup, kuasa membeli semakin hilang ekoran kenaikan harga barangan. Ianya memberi kesan terhadap ekonomi secara menyeluruh. Yang pasti ekonomi bergerak perlahan bila penawaran melebihi permintaan.

Baru-baru ini didedahkan sejumlah RM800 bilion 'wang panas' telah mengalir keluar dari Malaysia dari tahun 2000 - 2008. Selain jumlah sebesar itu, Ketua Audit Negara sendiri mengesahkan jumlah wang negara yang lesap begitu saja akibat rasuah dan penyelewengan berjumlah RM26 bilion pada 2010.

Dengan fakta sedemikian rupa, jika para guru masih lagi mahu menyokong kerajaan kurap UMNO BN, tak tahulah penulis nak cakap apa lagi. Lebih baik berhentilah jadi guru. Takde guna jadi pendidik kalau bebal... Memalukan.

Jangan sampai esok anak cucu sendiri kencing atas kubur kita ekoran kesilapan kita sendiri memilih pemimpin.

Selamat malam.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mohamed Bouazizi pencetus kebangkitan rakyat Tunisia

Secara ringkasnya, pemberontakan rakyat Tunisia menggulingkan pemerintahan 23 tahun rejim Presiden Zine El Abidine Ben Ali sebenarnya dicetuskan oleh seorang pemuda berjiwa kental dan berhati mulia bernama Mohamed Bouazizi. Beliau telah bertindak membakar dirinya di luar bangunan pejabat majlis perbandaran sebagai protes di atas segala bentuk kezaliman pihak berkuasa terhadap dirinya sejak zaman kanak-kanak lagi.

The tragic life of a street vendor

Al Jazeera travels to the birthplace of Tunisia's uprising and speaks to Mohamed Bouazizi's family.

In a country where officials have little concern for the rights of citizens, there was nothing extraordinary about humiliating a young man trying to sell fruits and vegetables to support his family.

Yet when Mohamed Bouazizi poured inflammable liquid over his body and set himself alight outside the local municipal office, his act of protest cemented a revolt that would ultimately end President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's 23-year-rule.

Local police officers had been picking on Bouazizi for years, ever since he was a child. For his family, there is some comfort that their personal loss has had such stunning political consequences.

"I don't want Mohamed's death to be wasted," Menobia Bouazizi, his mother, said. "Mohamed was the key to this revolt."

Simple, troubled life

Mohamed Bouazizi was ten years old when he became the main provider for his family, selling fresh produce in the local market. He stayed in high school long enough to sit his baccalaureate exam, but did not graduate. (He never attended university, contrary to what many news organisations have reported).

Bouazizi's father died when he was three years old. His elder brother lives away from the family, in Sfax. Though his mother remarried, her second husband suffers from poor health and is unable to find regular work.

Al Jazeera's Ayman Mohyeldin profiles the man whose suicide launched a revolution

"He didn't expect to study, because we didn't have the money," his mother said.

At age of 19, Mohamed halted his studies in order to work fulltime, to help offer his five younger siblings the chance to stay in school.

"My sister was the one in university and he would pay for her," Samya Bouazizi, one of his sisters, said. "And I am still a student and he would spend money on me."

He applied to join the army, but was refused, as were other successive job applications. With his family dependant on him, there were few options other than to continue going to market.

By all accounts, Bouazizi, just 26 when he died earlier this month, was honest and hardworking. Every day, he would take his wooden cart to the supermarket and load it would fruit and vegetables. Then he would walk it more than two kilometres to the local souk.

Police abuse

And nearly everyday, he was bullied by local police officers.

"Since he was a child, they were mistreating him. He was used to it," Hajlaoui Jaafer, a close friend of Bouazizi, said. "I saw him humiliated."

The body of the man who started a revolution now lies in a simple grave, surrounded by olive trees, cactuses and blossoming almond trees.

The abuse took many forms. Mostly, it was the type of petty bureaucratic tyranny that many in the region know all too well. Police would confiscate his scales and his produce, or fine him for running a stall without a permit.

Six months before his attempted suicide, police sent a fine for 400 dinars ($280) to his house – the equivalent of two months of earnings.

The harassment finally became too much for the young man on December 17.

That morning, it became physical. A policewoman confronted him on the way to market. She returned to take his scales from him, but Bouazizi refused to hand them over. They swore at each other, the policewoman slapped him and, with the help of her colleagues, forced him to the ground.

The officers took away his produce and his scale.

Publically humiliated, Bouazizi tried to seek recourse. He went to the local municipality building and demanded to a meeting with an official.

He was told it would not be possible and that the official was in a meeting.

"It's the type of lie we're used to hearing," said his friend.

Protest of last resort

With no official wiling to hear his grievances, the young man brought paint fuel, returned to the street outside the building, and set himself on fire.

For Mohamed's mother, her son's suicide was motivated not by poverty but because he had been humiliated.

"It got to him deep inside, it hurt his pride," she said, referring to the police's harassment of her son.

The uprising that followed came quick and fast. From Sidi Bouzid it spread to Kasserine, Thala, Menzel Bouzaiene. Tunisians of every age, class and profession joined the revolution.

In the beginning, however, the outrage was intensely personal.

"What really gave fire to the revolution was that Mohamed was a very well-known and popular man. He would give free fruit and vegetables to very poor families," Jaafer said.

Tunisian president paid a visit to Bouazizi in hospital

It took Ben Ali nearly two weeks to visit Mohamed Bouazizi's bedside at the hospital in Ben Arous. For many observers, the official photo of the president looking down on the bandaged young man had a different symbolism from what Ben Ali had probably intended.

Menobia Bouazizi said the former president was wrong not to meet with her son sooner, and that when Ben Ali finally did reach out to her family, it was too late - both to save her son, and to save his presidency.

He received members of the Bouazizi family in his offices, but for Menobia Bouazizi, the meeting rang hollow.

"The invite to the presidential palace came very late," she said. "We are sure that the president only made the invitation to try to derail the revolution."

"I went there as a mother and a citizen to ask for justice for my son."

"The president promised he would do everything he could to save our son, even to have him sent to France for treatment."

The president never delivered on his promises to her family, Menobia Bouazizi said.

Contagious uprising

But by the time Menobia Bouazizi's son died of his burns on January 4, the uprising had already spread across Tunisia.

Fedya Hamdi, the last police officer to antagonise the street vendor, has since fled the town. She was reportedly dismissed, but her exact whereabouts are unknown.

Meanwhile, the body of the man who started a revolution now lies in a simple grave outside Sidi Bouzid, surrounded by olive trees, cactuses and blossoming almond trees.

He is sorely missed by his family, whose modest house is now one of the busiest in Sidi Bouzid, with a steady flow of journalists who have only just discovered the town where it all began.

"He was very sincere," Basma Bouazizi, his shy 16-year-old sister, said. "We are like soulless bodies since he left."

"We consider him to be a martyr," Mahmoud Ghozlani, a local member of the Progressive Democratic Party (PDP), said in an interview metres away from the spot where the street vendor set himself on fire.

Proof itself of the progress made in four short weeks: such an interview with an opposition activist on the streets of Sidi Bouzid would not have been possible until the day Bouazizi inspired the revolt.

- aljazeera

Friday, January 21, 2011

Iran tembak jatuh 2 pesawat pengintip US

Republik Islam Iran mengesahkan memiliki Radar Berteknologi Tinggi dan dilengkapi sistem pertahanan yang ampuh. Pengesahan ini dibuat sejurus pihak tenteranya berjaya menembak jatuh 2 buah pesawat pengintip tanpa pemandu Amerika. Ketika dikesan oleh radar, pesawat itu sedang terbang di perairan Iran pada altitud tinggi. Kejayaan saintis Iran membangunkan sistem radar tercanggih itu dilihat sebagai satu amaran awal kepada Amerika dan sekutu jahatnya Israel.

Iran Confirms it Possesses Highly Developed Radars, Ammunition In Air Force Defense System

The whole globe has discovered that the Islamic Republic of Iran has become a strong part of the international and regional equations.

This comes in light of what is purchased of development in all Iranian spheres, whether civil, military, defensive, or offensive.

In this context, Iran is capable of sending direct and indirect messages for those who are concerned, especially when threats start to appear, threatening Iran's security, in light of the tough negotiations over its nuclear program.

The messages are sent through Iranian land, marine, and aerial maneuvers conducted from time to time, which also include revealing more highly developed military techniques and weapons.

On this level, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps announced yesterday, Sunday, that its troops was able to shoot down two western spy planes over the Iranian local waters.

This again shows Tehran's capability and readiness to confront any attack attempt against it.

This announcement came as a declaration that Iran possesses highly-developed radars, equipped with effective ammunition that can detect and shoot down this kind of planes.

Al Naqash: The Message is for the Zionist Enemy, The US
In this context, Strategic Expert Anise Al Naqash told that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards' announcement of shooting down two spy planes over the Iranian waters, come along with the US announcement to spread developed spy planes in Afghanistan, that should be capable of taking pictures of the whole city.

Al Naqash also referred that the US is exploiting Iraqi territories to spy on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Anise Al Naqash clarifies that the Islamic Republic of Iran declared its full preparation to confront any attempt to attack in this field.

Strategic expert Naqash affirmed that the message behind the shooting of these planes, is a double message for the Zionist enemy and the US, and it is a message for all forces that attempt to sabotage in Iran.

"This message is that the Islamic Republic of Iran has great capabilities", Naqash said.

He also referred that Iran was capable of shooting down the US planes, and exploiting the facilities found within it.

Regarding any technical use of shooting these planes, Naqash referred to the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon's achievement to purchase images from Zionist spy planes.

On this level, Naqash confirmed that the Islamic Republic of Iran is capable of exploiting the type of planes that were able to shoot is down, through making use of its devices, and its high-developed cameras.

Anise Naqash added what's most important is to work on remanufacturing these planes, referring that Iran is the fourth country this year to build pilotless spy planes.

Amir Moussawi : Planes Shot Down are Highly-Developed, Cannot be Detected by Normal Radars

On his part, Iranian Affairs expert Amir Moussawi revealed that the planes shot down are highly developed and have devices that radars of most developed countries cannot detect.

Moussawi referred that these planes are manufactured with a nonmetallic chemical composite, and that is why normal radars cannot detect them.

Amir Moussawi confirmed then that the Islamic Republic has proved by shooting down these planes, that it has a highly developed radar system.

Regarding the technical advantages of shooting down these planes, Moussawi says:

1- When Iran shot down these planes, it does not aim at causing them to explode it in mid-air, but rather wants to exploit them in a reverse engineering way.

2- Remanufacturing these planes.

3- Making use of technical devices present in the planes, in addition to the high developed camera techniques.

4- Purchasing information and storing it.

5- Affirming that Tehran has strong and developed ammunition, because these planes are very small and fly at a high altitude, and therefore require such ammunition.

Amir Moussawi stressed that this operation is a "hunting" operation not only shooting down, referring that the development in manufacturing such planes in Iran has become highly present.

Upon question, Moussawi explains the aim behind announcing the shooting down of the planes.

The first level is the technical level, where Moussawi said that the announcement of the shooting down of the two spy planes came after parts of them were found in regional waters, because the Iranian troops are always careful not to cause the plane to explode in mid-air, and therefore work as much as possible on taking technical advantage.

The other level, according to Moussawi is political, where he said that this operation comes along with western threats, especially US and Zionist, also supported by Britain.

Amire Moussawi pointed out in this context that Britain has announced its readiness to protect its citizens in the Gulf region in case there was any Iranian response to any attack on it. Moussawi confirmed that Iran today announces its readiness and total preparedness to respond to any western attack.

Regarding the messages that Iran wants to send its enemies through shooting down those planes, the Iranian Affairs expert confirmed that there are several messages, affirming that Iran is ready and is monitoring all aggressive schemes surrounding it.

"Where ever there are enemy devices, the Islamic Republic can monitor them", Amir Moussawi affirmed.

"There is accurate monitoring set through planes launched by Iran in the region, to monitor the western enemies, and it is ready for all possibilities", Moussawi added.

Moussawi clarified to that Iran in interested in any serious understanding or dialogue, yet is ready for any possible assault, and will not allow any attack.

Amir Moussawi referred that the planes tried to approach Iranian targets, but the Iranian troops did now allow that, for the Iranian maritime, aerial, and land borders are secured.

Iranian Affairs expert Amir Moussawi said that all these Iranian messages are clear for those who are concerned, adding the most important is that the western forces should try and contact Iran in Istanbul in order to reach an agreement or understanding concerning the Iranian nuclear program.

From Al Intiqad By Ali Matar

Agenda licik Israel-US untuk hancurkan gerakan Islam

Agak lama juga penulis tak menjenguk website Hizbullah. Biasanya di awal pagi ni penulis akan layari beberapa laman web/blog alternatif untuk lihat tajuk-tajuk berkaitan isu politik dan berita semasa tanahair. Tapi pagi ni kuat hati penulis untuk ke laman web Hizbullah Lebanon dan terpandang satu tajuk Finkelstein : STL “Israeli”-US Tool Targeting Resistance, Gaza War to Restore Lost Deterrence Capacity. Setelah dibaca, rasanya elok dikongsi bersama dengan para pelawat blog ini.

In an exclusive interview with, Dr. Norman Finkelstein gives his view on the Palestinian cause, of which he has been an everyday commentator, and the soft war of sowing sedition in the region, embodied currently in the Special tribunal scheme being used in Lebanon. The Jewish-American Anti-Zionist political scientist and author has been often lambasted for his approach on topics related to the occupying "Israeli" entity and the US policies. Finkelstein received his doctorate in 1988 from the Department of Politics at Princeton University. For many years he taught political theory and the "Israeli"-Palestine conflict. Dr. Finkelstein, the author of 6 books which have been translated into more than 40 foreign editions is currently an independent scholar.

Restoring "Israel's" Deterrence Capacity, and the Hegemony Policies in the Middle East

Starting with his latest book "This Time WE Went Too Far" and how he perceives the 2008-2009 onslaught on Gaza, Finkelstein said that the (Israeli) attack on Gaza which killed more than fourteen hundred innocent Palestinians had very little of anything to do with what the people of Gaza did or what Hamas did. "If you read in the "Israeli" newspapers, they (Israelis) were very clear they said the purpose of the attack on Gaza was to restore what they call their deterrence capacity. This "deterrence capacity" is "Israel's" fancy term for the Arab world's fear from "Israel"," Finkelstein said.

The scholar underscored "The defeated "Israel" suffered in 2006 during the attack on Lebanon and this "Israel was determined to undo that defeat. "Israel" felt after its defeat in 2006, that the Arab world wasn't afraid of it, and so it had to do something to restore this fear.

Finkelstein pointed out the timing of "Israel's" breaking of the ceasefire during the Gaza war was intentional. ""Israel" was supposed to continue the ceasefire but they broke it, and incidentally they chose Election Day in United States on November 4th knowing that the American Media and the American Public would be focused on the results of the Historical Elections." By that, Finkelstein said there would be no notice of the "Israeli" attack which triggered the resumption of Hamas Rocket retaliation.

Finkelstein said that "Israel" adopts "The Dahiyeh Doctrine" noting "Meaning that if you get in our (Israel's) way, we will do to you what we did to the Dahiyeh in 2006."

"The Shock and Awe" ideology is that which "Israel" adopts in its wars, the same strategy the US used in Iraq in 2003, highlighted Finkelstein. "During the 2006 Lebanon war, in the first 3 days "Israel" killed around 55 Lebanese. On the first day of the Gaza onslaught and within 8 minutes, they killed about 400 Gazans; they wanted to "Shock and Awe", they wanted to terrorize the population and Hamas. That is what they are planning to do in Lebanon," he explained.

Moving on to discuss the Goldstone report, Finkelstein said "It's true that the U.S has the VITO, and it has a lot of persuasive power, but what's also true is that "Israel" had a very big problem with the Goldstone report. After the Goldstone report Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech and said that "Israel" had 3 main problems in the world; first Iran, second the missiles, meaning the Hizbullah missiles and the Hamas rockets, third the Goldstone report. Putting the Goldstone right next to Iran shows what a big problem it is to them."

The Bush administration was quite supportive of the onslaught on Gaza and 2006 July war on Lebanon; in fact Condoleezza Rice noted that the war on Lebanon will be the "birth pangs of a new Middle East". In response to this "Condoleezza theory" applied in both wars, the Gaza and Lebanon war, Norman Finkelstein explained there are two sides to this issue.

He explained the first side saying "In the West Bank they are creating a new Middle East, which is to say they are creating "Torture chambers" and "Disney Land ". If you don't like Disney Land you'll be going into a Torture Chamber."

The scholar who lived with the Palestinians in their occupied land during the first intifada, and visits every summer noted that the "Israeli" policy earlier was that trouble comes your way if you act, while no one would care if you talk. But now things have changed, particularly under US direction, and Palestinians living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are now afraid to talk.

"They are trying to turn the West Bank into a "DEMOCRACY", like Egypt and Jordan, a "Torture Chamber". That's their new Middle East; of course it's a very old Middle East, It's the Middle East of Mr. Abdullah, Mr. Mubarak and Saddam Hussein," Finkelstein explained.

On another note, he explained on the regional developing problems, referring to an analysis Hizbullah Secretary General gave in his last speech. "Sayyed Nasrallah's analysis was correct when he said; in the short term the "Israelis" don't feel they have a Military option yet in Lebanon, Hizbullah is too powerful, and can cause too much destruction. On the other hand he said that "Israelis" see in a long term. There's a problem developing, that the forces in the region are basically moving against "Israel". So he said between the short term, where they don't have a military option and the long term which they can't wait for because it's moving against them. What are they going to do in the Middle Term?"

Also, the US hegemony over the Middle East region has been blatant lately, and things have not been related solely to the Palestinian cause, according to Finkelstein. "The Americans are trying to control the region. I don't think it is accurate to say it is all about Palestine! Palestine has a symbolic value of the whole attempt by the western world to control the Middle East!" he said adding "

As for the increasing pressure and attack on the resistance in the Middle East in General, the Hizbullah in particular, Finkelstein said this stems from "Israel's" fear that the people of the region have become "Defiant".

He explained "The "Israelis" say that the Arabs and Muslims are becoming too defiant, to a point where they are getting too uppity. The Arab world is raging, there is Iran, there is Syria, there is Hamas, there is Hizbullah, and then all of a sudden there's Erdogan from Turkey! The "Israelis" are particularly upset from (Sayyed) Nasrallah because he's an unusual Arab. Sayyed Nasrallah said something in his last speech which I think was insightful, he said what makes our resistance different is that we read. They now have to deal, for the first time in a very long time, with a quite intelligent Muslim and they don't like that at all. Sayyed Nasrallah, two speeches ago was talking about Toni Blair's and Bush's memoirs, he quoted something from the book that was published 4 days earlier!! This is very unusual, they don't like that!!

US, "Israel" and the Soft War Against the Resistance

There has been a soft war played in the Middle East region against the resistance by "Israel", the US and their allies whether internal opponents or European countries, the newest of its plans is the sowing of sedition and strife in Lebanon. To Finkelstein, it is really important to understand the external factor.
"Israel will start committing critical assassinations. So I say that even if the Lebanese themselves didn't go for this trap, they may be pushed to it by a large number of political assassinations, and "Israel" is really clear about what it intends to do. It is really obvious that "Israel" is trying to create seditions here," he explained.

The latest of the "Israeli"-US war tools, according to Finkelstein is the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and its indictment that is being supported by Lebanese opponents of the resistance. "It aims at causing sectarian discord and violence, but that's going to be their (US-Israel) strategy in the Midterm and I think that's what they are doing now. The main purpose of the STL is to create enough sectarian violence to soften the target and then enable "Israel" to come in and do the "Shock and Awe,"" Finkelstein explained.

Initially the Americans and "Israelis" planned to use the STL, I don't think they had a clear vision of how to use it, it was just another tool! It happens that now it became a very valuable tool to them! Through it, they will try to weaken Lebanon and get rid of Hizbullah. In 2006 war, the Lebanese were all united and that was a problem for "Israel"," the scholar said, underlining that "Israel" prefers something like June 1982. "The "Israelis" now are trying to break that unity in Lebanon, by trying to find a collaborator that will facilitate their entry, because they don't want to repeat the 2006 where the whole country is united," he continued.

Politicized or not politicized... another issue that was a main source of argument among the two political campaigns in Lebanon. Now Norman in his turn says "It is clear that it is politicized!"

"There's so much about it that is already shown to be corrupt, and I don't think you can take it seriously any longer as a Tribunal. The first person (in charge) Detlev Mehlis was just a complete crook! Maybe that makes sense when Sayyed Nasrallah noted that there was a member of his aides (Mehlis's aides) that was selling information for 50, 000 $, that's a literal crook." Finkelstein reiterated.

Finkelstein referred back to the Hizbullah SG speech saying "If you recall Sayyed Nasrallah's speech, he made a very specific claim with very specific details, he even named the figure (50,000$)! Most political leaders don't make such specific allegations unless they have evidence , so the reasonable assumptions is that there is something and more than something , to what Sayyed Nasrallah said."

The scholar ended "Washington knows what the consequences are because it knows that it might create domestic conflict and violence! The only reasonable conclusion is that they want to create domestic violence and facilitate "Israel's" target for attack!"


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wang Haram : Malaysia di tangga ke-5

Seluruh ahli dan penyokong UMNO seharusnya berbangga kerana menjadi penyumbang kepada kejayaan Malaysia sebagai salah sebuah negara penggubah wang haram yang paling berjaya sejak zaman Mahathir lagi. Nak tahu berapa jumlah wang haram yang dibawa lari keluar dari Malaysia sejak 1990, sila ikuti laporan di bawah.

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 20 — Illicit money outflows from Malaysia tripled to US$68.2 billion (RM208.1 billion) in 2008, from US$22.2 billion in 2000, according to a report by US-based financial watchdog Global Financial integrity (GFI) released this month.

The country also had the fifth largest amount of illegal money outflows between 2000 and 2008, among developing countries. GFI defines illicit financial flows as generally involving the transfer of money earned through illegal activities such as corruption, transactions involving contraband goods, criminal activities, and efforts to shelter wealth from a country's tax authorities, said the programme’s website.

The report titled Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2000-2009 said that illicit financial outflows from Malaysia totalled US$291 billion (RM888 billion) in that period.

It said that the increase was “at a scale seen in few Asian countries.”

“The volume of illegal capital flight from Malaysia has come to dwarf legitimate capital inflows into the country in recent years,” said the report.

Top of the list of 125 developing countries was China at US$2.18 trillion in that period while Philippines, at 12th, was Malaysia's closest regional neighbour at US$109.3 billion.

Zimbabwe was 73rd at US$4.1 billion and Myanmar at 85th with US$2.9 billion.

The report said that it is clear that significant governance issues affecting both the public and private sectors have been playing a key role in the cross-border transfer of illicit capital from the country.

It noted that there have been media reports that large state-owned enterprises such as national oil company Petronas could probably be driving illicit flows.

GFI said its research indicates that political instability, rising income inequality, and pervasive corruption are some of the structural and governance issues that could be driving illicit capital from many developing countries.

“In the case of Malaysia, the additional factor could well be the significant discrimination in labor markets which move people and unrecorded capital out of the country,” it stated.

GFI identified deliberate trade mispricing - which allows companies to avoid paying taxes — as the cause of 54.7 per cent of illicit outflows from developing countries.

The report said that between US$1.26 to US$1.44 trillion flowed out from developing countries alone in 2008.

“Increasing transparency in the global financial system is critical to reducing the outflow of illicit money from developing countries,” the report said.

According to GFI, illicit financial flows pertains to the cross-border movement of money that is illegally earned, transferred, or utilised.

The Washington-based GFI says that it promotes national and multilateral policies, safeguards, and agreements aimed at curtailing the cross-border flow of illegal money.

It is a programme under the Center for International Policy, which was founded in 1975 to promote a US foreign policy based on international cooperation, demilitarization and respect for human rights, according to its website.

- malaysianinsider

AJK Mesjid B'raya K.Kinabalu kaki botol

Bila diri sudah biasa dan selesa dengan makanan dari sumber haram, dengan sendirinya tubuh rohani jadi kurus-kering dan hati mati. Yang gemuk-gedempol ialah sahabat setia yang bernama nafsu dan syaitan. Justeru manusia sebegini sudah tidak nampak lagi di mana cahaya kebenaran kerana sudah dilembukan oleh syaitan. Ke mana saja syaitan arahkan mereka pasti dituruti. Dan inilah yang terjadi kepada beberapa orang AJK Mesjid Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu yang dilihat sedang menonggang botol arak bersama seorang Menteri Dusun Sabah di Shangrila Resort Tanjung Aru. Rasanya penulis kenal siapa Menteri Kabinet Sabah itu. Sila ikuti aduan yang dibuat oleh AJK Mesjid Kg Likas kepada sabahkini.

Saudara Pengarang,

PERINGATAN Menteri Di Jabatan Ketua Menteri, Dato’ Sri Haji Nasir Tun Sakaran terhadap Ahli Jawatankuasa Masjid Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu yang baru dilantik supaya menjaga imej Masjid Bandaraya yang telah dinobatkan sebagai Masjid Hadhari Ke-2 di negara ini sebagai peringatan yang tidak lengkap.

Nasir sewajarnya menegaskan supaya Penasihat dan AJK Masjid Bandaraya menjauhi dari kehidupan yang tidak bermoral dan menjatuhkan maruah diri serta agama Islam.

Saya hanya mampu menyatakan 'siapa makan cili, dialah yang terasa pedasnya', 'tepuk dada, tanyalah iman'. Ada segelintir Penasihat, terutama Bekas Pegawai Kanan Polis dan AJK Masjid yang terlibat secara terang-terangan meminum arak di Coffee House D'Peppino, Shangrila Tanjung Aru Resort, Kota Kinabalu.

Mereka dengan tiada rasa malu meminum bergelas-gelas arak, bersama seorang Menteri ‘Dusun Islam’ yang selalu sibuk bercakap soal Islam, tetapi mengamalkan budaya Islam ‘pluralisme’ dan berlagak seperti seorang playboy dengan mengepit ramai wanita bukan Islam dan Islam!

Ada juga AJK Masjid yang melanggan kedai 4 nombor ekor, masuk ke kedai judi membeli tiket 4 ekor tanpa mempedulikan dirinya sedang diperhatikan oleh masyarakat sekeliling beliau.

Nasir juga wajib memperingatkan AJK Masjid bahawa Masjid Bandaraya adalah rumah Allah dan bukan rumah UMNO atau rumah yang dibina atas wang UMNO. Oleh itu, semua pihak berkewajiban memakmurkan masjid tersebut dengan aktiviti Islam yang boleh memberi kesedaran baru tentang kesyumulan atau kesempurnaan Islam.

Mana-mana penceramah atau ustaz-ustaz yang hendak memberikan ceramah dan menyampaikan ilmu-ilmu Islam yang bermanfaat kepada umat Islam, khususnya golongan muda, hendaklah tidak disekat atau dihalang.

AJK Masjid hendaklah berlaku adil dan mempunyai rasa takut kepada Allah bahawa jika mereka menyekat para penceramah daripada menyampaikan ilmu Islam hanya kerana latar belakang para penceramah tersebut seorang pimpinan atau ahli PAS, maka seluruh makhluk Allah di langit, di bumi dan di lautan, akan mengutuk mereka.

Salam Hormat,


Mangsa Kerakusan dan Kezaliman UMNO

mangsa kezaliman
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