Sunday, October 31, 2010

Calon BN Batu Sapi tak pandai cakap Melayu

Dah berpuluh tahun jadi rakyat Malaysia tapi masih gagal bertutur dalam bahasa kebangsaan dengan baik, apa maknanya ini? Bagi penulis, jelas sekali orang ini pandang lekeh dengan bahasa rasmi negara serta tidak pernah bergaul dengan masyarakat setempat sewaktu mendiang suaminya menjadi MP Batu Sapi. Malahan soal-selidik yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa UMS Sabah mendapati mendiang suaminya tak pernah turun padang bertemu dengan para pengundinya.

Kalau penduduk di Batu Sapi sendiri mengakui mendiang suaminya tak pernah turun ke bawah untuk bertemu dan bertanya khabar masalah rakyat, maka jangan diharaplah calon BN Batu Sapi, Linda Tsen, akan turun padang bertemu pengundi khususnya Bumiputera Islam jika menang. Apatah lagi langsung tidak boleh bertutur dalam Bahasa Malaysia.

Bagi penulis pemilihan Linda Tsen sebagai calon menjelaskan lagi sikap kerajaan BN yang langsung tidak peduli dengan kehendak dan aspirasi pengundi Batu Sapi yang terdiri daripada 60% Islam. Ini merupakan manifestasi daripada sikap kerajaan BN yang merasakan para pengundi Bumiputera Islam di Batu Sapi boleh diperbodohkan semahunya dengan janji-janji munafiq mereka. Sebab itu BN tidak bimbang bila meletakkan balu mendiang Edmund Chong sebagai calon. Bahasa mudahnya "Letak calon gila pun boleh menanglah...."


BARISAN Nasional candidate Linda Tsen deftly defended herself for the first time against a volley of accusations by the opposition.

Speaking to reporters, she admitted to being less than proficient in Bahasa Malaysia but said that she was learning the language.

“Every day we have to keep learning, there is no end to it. I am learning to be better in Bahasa,” said Tsen who is in the race for the Batu Sapi parliamentary seat.

The opposition has pounced on her handicap and said it would affect her ability to be an effective parliamentarian for the Batu Sapi electorate as she would be expected to voice out their problems and take part in debates.

Addressing criticism that she is unsuited for a seat in the Dewan Rakyat, she said she would initially have to depend on prepared text to deliver any speech in Parliament.

“That is what most MPs do... I'm not saying that I'm a seasoned politician and can stand up and speak, but I'm willing to work hard,” she said.

For the first time in the campaign which moved into its sixth day ahead of the Nov 4 by-election, Tsen was left to answer questions by reporters on her own after the BN was accused of shielding her from scrutiny.

The housewife and part-time music teacher spoke of her daily routine and how she fortified herself for the torturous election campaign by drinking two bottles of Chicken of Essence as well as getting by with just four hours of sleep a day.

She said one of the issues that concerned her was the unhygienic living conditions of her would-be constituents, pointing to the garbage strewn around.

She also dismissed claims of self-interest in allowing herself to be fielded as a candidate despite still being in mourning over the death of her husband, the late Batu Sapi MP Edmund Chong, barely a month ago in a road accident.

Tsen said that she has moved on.

“During the first week, I could not accept it. But now, I have come to terms with myself that I must be strong. All my children are looking at me. I am their pillar. I have to be strong. I have to accept that he has gone and I must move on,” she said.

- sabahkini

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