Saturday, February 12, 2011

Egyptian Revolution haunt Najib and UMNO

Now, Egypt was ruled by the military after Mubarak resigned on Friday. The question is, why the PM Malaysia so afraid of the rise of the people of that country to successfully repel the unjust. If you do not do wrong, what to worry about. But Najib was still haunted by the revolutionary people of the Middle East.

Today, once again expressed his fear when said, "First, we can not equate what happened in Egypt to Malaysia because things are different in the two countries. We were aware from the beginning of the people must come first. So whatever policies and programs done must put the principle of putting people have. "

Najib is clearly worried about the people of this nation will rise up in the next general election.

We want to ask Najib, what is the difference Hosni Mubarak with him?

Actually, there is no difference between the Mubarak regime and the regime of UMNO. Corruption, fraud and unjust.

1 - Mubarak regime killed its political enemies, the UMNO regime also do the same.

2 - Mubarak regime has banned the Muslim Brotherhood, the UMNO regime is pressing PAS and the oppositon party with a variety of cruel acts, including using ISA to detain the leader.

3 - Mubarak regime enrich himself, his family and cronies, even UMNO regime plundered national wealth for personal, family and cronies.

4 - Mubarak regime to catch and punish his political enemies without trial, the UMNO regime was doing so with the ISA arrest of political opponents, torturing and tortured mentally and physically.

5 - Mubarak regime to kill anyone suspected of being able to threaten the interests, UMNO regime are also doing the same thing. Ustaz Ibrahim Libya murder and 13 friends. Even in Altantuya murder case, the evidence clearly shows the involvement of Najib Rosmah, but unfortunately the system of justice and the judiciary in this country has been 'prostituted' by UMNO since the Mahathir era.

6 - Mubarak regime oppresses its citizens, as well as the UMNO regime. Just look at what is happening in the country now. People directly charged with the rise in oil prices and consumer goods following the country's debt burden. The question is, why the country may incur debts almost RM400 billion, while Malaysia is among the richest countries in the world of minerals and agricultural thereof. The answer, of corruption and abuse of national leaders.

Today UMNO regime considered 'lucky' because the majority of people in this country are ignorant of politics, especially the UMNO Malays.

Najib should remember, history has shown all the evil and oppressive government would eventually collapse in disgrace. People are not always dumb. People's patience has its limit and never challenged the patience.

The author calls upon all Malaysians to rise to reform in the general election later. As if we are to be exploited by UMNO regime that has been in power for 52 years? Life today is not more comfortable, even continues to faces with a variety of price increases every year.

Where lies our dignity as a people? The country is rich, but wealth is only enjoyed by few people in power.

We must depose the regime of UMNO in the 13th General Election.

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